~ Chapter 30 ~

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Chapter 30
Friday October 6th
Mallory's POV

"I did something bad"

"Mal you are really starting to scare me" Veronica stared at me. "You walked in here, said 'I'm so fucked' and have been pacing around our living room for at least ten minutes"

"Because my life is literally over Veronica!" I halted my steps, looking at my two best friends who were looking at me with the upmost concern on their faces. Which I guess they had reason to be, I showed up here unannounced, after walking from the hospital to their apartment complex at 6 in the morning. I know it was early, but it was a Friday and they both had to head to work today, so I at least knew they weren't sleeping.

"We could probably help you if you sit down and tell us what is going on" Eli quirked.

"There is no fixing this" I tugged at the roots of my hair, continuing on with my panicked pacing back and forth. In the corner of my eye I saw the two of them shoot a glance at one another.

"Everything can be fixed" Veronica answered.

I abruptly stopped walking again and blurted out. "I slept with Harry last night"

The two of them froze, both of their jaws going slack at the major news I just shared. Eli's eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head from how wide they were, and Veronica was sitting there staring at me with the most shocked I've ever seen her face.

"Yeah there's no fixing this" Eli shook his head.

"See! I told you!" I waved my hands in the air frustrated. Frustrated with myself, with Harry, with what we did. It was quite frankly one of the dumbest things I have ever done in my entire 26 years of being on this planet. A complete and utter mistake. The most wrong decision that I have ever made. The stupidest thing I've ever partook in.

There's no way around it. It was plain out stupid. He is married for crying out loud! He has a wife, although what appears to be a confusing marriage to me, he still is married! And he's a father! He has a daughter, a whole family. Not to mention he has quite literally tormented me every single time that we have been in a room with one another for the last 7 weeks. It was the worst thing I have ever done.

So why did it feel so good?

The way that he made me feel. His hands slowly rubbing down my sides. The desperateness moans that escaped his body.

Mallory, get it together.

"What the fuck" Veronica finally said, her jaw still slack. Clearly, neither one of them were expecting this to be my news. After all the complaining and moping that I've done over this man for the last month, it was surely a complete surprise that I decided to get back in bed with him. "What? How? What? Why? Huh??"

"It just sort of happened!" I exclaimed, sitting down on their coffee table in front of them.

"I feel like I need some more context as to how you ending up having sex with Dr. Asshole!" She shrieked.

"I would also like to know" Eli raised his hand.

"We ended up in the on call room together, we started arguing as always, I was yelling at him, and then he cut me off by kissing me!" I explained.

"And you didn't slap him across the face and call the police?!" She questioned, being over dramatic, but that's her thing. It's all in good fun, but I had a feeling she was more serious this time.

"No I kissed him back!"

"I for one am shocked" Eli said.

"Me too!" Veronica gasped.

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