~ Chapter 4 ~

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Chapter 4
Wednesday August 16th
Mallory's POV

With a scowl on my face as I made my way down to the hospital's café, I got ahold of the coffee's that Harry had ordered me to get. I was still in disbelief that Harry, the stranger from the bar that I let hold me against the wall in the bathroom, is the attending in the hospital that I'm working in.

This is all Veronica's fault.

If she didn't force me to talk to the guy in the first place, going on about how he could be the love of my life, I wouldn't even be in this awkward position in the first place.

I needed to let her know.

I balanced the cup holder in one hand and fished my phone out of my pocket with the other. I clicked on Veronica's contact in my messages and started typing one handed to her. My message had to be short and simple as I was just around the corner from the pediatric ward.

To: Ronnie

Harry is my attending. Send help!!!!

Despite her also being at her job, the typing bubble popped up instantly. I'm sure she was probably freaking out on the other end of the phone but not in the same way that I was flipping out.

From: Ronnie

OMG!! See! I told you it was meant to be!!

To Ronnie:

This is not a good thing!

Looking down at my phone while I was walking is always a recipe for disaster. I was only proven right when next thing I knew my body was colliding with the larger frame in front of me, my phone sliding across the floor, and the coffees that I was holding dropping out of my hands and spilling all over myself and the person I bumped into. As the burning hot liquid seeped into my scrubs and burned my body, I started rambling out a bunch of apologies to the person I ran into.

I began to look up as the person was quite taller than me, and I practically went numb when my eyes met the harsh green ones burning daggers into my soul. It was evident by the look on his face that he was fuming inside and if we were in a cartoon, smoke would be coming out of his ears.

This is a very bad thing.

"Dr. Styles I am so so sorry. I-I didn't mean to-" I fumbled nervously over my words, trying to clean up the coffee that I spilt on him. I didn't even have a napkin, I was just frantically running my bare hands over the top of his scrubs as he continued to look down at me with the most jarring look of disgust and anger on his face.

"Would you stop that?!" He yelled at me in the middle of the hallway, causing a bunch of wandering curious eyes to look over at the scene beside them. The fact that people are witnessing such an embarrassing moment for me is just adding to the humiliation I'm feeling right now. As he raised his voice at me, he shoved my hands off at him, glaring at the mess that I made and at me.

"I'm sorry- i-I wasn't paying attention" My voice lowered in shame. God Mallory, this is practically one of the worst days of your life and it's only 8 in the morning.

"Clearly you weren't paying attention! I gave you the simplest task and you still managed to screw it up! This is exactly why I forbid you from going near my patients because the lack of brain cells you have in your body would cause you to kill them!" He continued to complete and utterly embarrass me with all of these people watching.

"I am so sorry" I repeated myself for what felt like the millionth time. I wanted nothing more than to crawl in a hole and die right about now. Anything else would be better than the feeling I have currently.

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