~ Chapter 45 ~

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Chapter 45
Thursday November 2nd
Harry's POV

"Sunrise, sunrise, sunrise" Stevie sing songed cheerfully, her hand holding mine and swinging our arms back and forth. Stevie woke up before the sun this morning, and at the realization that it wasn't blinding through her window, she asked if we could go watch the stupid sunrise.

I really could think of 1,246 other things that I would rather be doing than staring at the bright ass sun early in the morning, but this is what my Stevie girl wanted. It was again partially my fault for bringing it up in front of her on Halloween, so I couldn't be too mad. However, sleeping or being in surgery would be my top choices.

"So exciting lovebug" I pretended to be happy that I was currently wandering through the halls of the hospital. I squeezed her hand in admiration, looking down at her and giving her a fond smile. She looked up at me and giggled, pointing to the exit door that would lead us outside to watch. I stepped ahead and held the door open for her.

"Over here" Stevie declared, pulling me towards the water fountain where we sat the last time. I'd follow her anywhere, so I lifted her up onto the fountain and took a seat next to her. I held my arm behind her back so she wouldn't fall in, and watched her head turn and look around the little garden.

"What are you looking for Vie?" I asked her, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Mallory!" She sighed dramatically. "She's not here"

"She might be at a different spot today" I answered. I knew she wouldn't miss the sunrise unless she was like dying, and that I've watched it with her on a literal dumpster before, so I'm not surprised if she was in a different area this morning.

"Oh no" Stevie frowned, and I hated seeing a sad look on her face. Personally I was more than okay with Mallory not being here, considering I still wanted to try my best to keep them apart, but it did make me upset that was disappointed.

"Here, watch" I distracted her by pointing at the now rising sun. That couldn't have happened at a better moment, because her smile was put back on her face almost instantly. She held her hands over her eyes and watched with admiration and excitement, gasping and pointing it out to me the same way she did the first time.

It was cute that I nicknamed her sunshine and it was something currently bringing her happiness, but I still thought it was stupid to wake up early every single morning for the same damn thing. I just did not see the reason to waste my time sitting here.

But I guess watching Stevie be so excited was worth it to me.

"That was so pretty" Stevie's jaw was dropped once it ended.

"Sure was" I agreed with her just to make her happy, standing up and dusting off my scrub pants. I picked Stevie up and hoisted her onto my hip, poking her stomach for added effect. "Ready to grab some breakfast before I have to go to work?"

"Okay" She giggled, covering her hands over her mouth like she was partaking in some mischievous act or something.

"Lemme guess, you want..." I paused for dramatic effect before grinning at her. "Pancakes"

"Yes!" Stevie laughed.

"I'm so shocked" I laughed, taking us inside out of the fresh air. I turned down the hallway that would lead us to the cafeteria, a few people telling me good morning as I passed, but I ignored all of them.

I went ahead and bought some pancakes and fruit for the two of us, I'd have time to sit and eat with her if I take some time out of my 'planning' before rounds. I used my hospital ID to pay and found us a spot in the corner away from everyone, in hopes that people wouldn't notice I'm here and leave me alone for once.

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