~ Chapter 26 ~

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Chapter 26
Mallory Monroe
6 years old

"Watch your step" Noah, Mallory's 9 year old older brother, went down the steps of the yellow school bus first. When his feet touched the gravel, he took 6 year old Mallory's princess backpack from her, allowing her to hold her little legs steady as she went down the steep steps.

Noah took ahold of Mallory's hand and started walking in the direction of their home. Noah looked out for all of the cars, looked both ways before crossing the street, and helped re tie Mallory's sneaker when it came undone. He was the best older brother.

Mallory blabbered on about her time at specials. She had music class today, and was excited to share with Noah how she played the instruments and sang the songs. In return, Noah told her about how he got to jump rope and play basketball at PE.

When they reached the little place that they called home, Noah put Mallory on safety of the driveway, before going towards the road to check the mail. He was finally tall enough to reach his hand in and grab it without going on his tip toes. He carried two backpacks, the mail, and his sister's hand as they headed inside, using the key that he had taken from the rack. He had kept it after one afternoon their parents were passed out drunk and couldn't unlock the door.

The siblings headed inside and locked the door behind them, getting settled by putting their backpacks on the floor and kicking their shoes off. Mallory, being the uneager six year old that she was, immediately asked Noah to help her get a snack. Noah made it his priority to grab her a bag of goldfish off the counter and open it for her. Mallory appreciated her brother.

Mallory and Noah headed to their living room, happy to relax after a long day at school with an episode of TV. It's the place where their parents occupied most of the day, but Noah didn't mind changing the channel on them to make his sister happy.

Neither their mom or dad was on the couch today, but Noah peeped in their room and saw the two of them asleep. Mallory paid no mind and climbed onto the couch to get comfortable under an old blanket, munching down on the last bag of goldfish that they had. She waited for Noah to come and change the channel for her, and join the spot next to her on the couch.

The two of them talked the entire episode to one another about it, making comments here and there. After their show finished, Noah went to their backpacks and got out their folders, telling Mal to come join him at the table.

Noah cleaned off the dining table by throwing away the empty beer bottles and food wrappers. Snacks that he requested for himself and Mallory eaten by his parents. He huffed but kept going, not wanting to upset Mallory by making it a big deal. She was very sensitive, and Noah was careful of that.

Mallory hopped onto the old chair, her little legs swinging since she was short. She looked at the sheet of paper that she had for homework and grasped a pencil in her hand, holding it with her whole fist. Noah looked through her folder, taking out old assignments that could be removed and seeing any new papers her teacher had put in it.

He held up a lined sheet of notebook paper, proud of his sister. "Good job Mal! You did so well on your spelling test!"

"I know!" Mallory giggled excitedly, happy to get a good grade after studying the night before with her brother.

Noah took another pencil and signed his mother's initials on her chart. It was a daily thing the parents had to go each night to show they looked through the folder, but Noah had taken charge of it. After he slid the paper back in, and furrowed his brows at a blue colored paper.

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