~ Chapter 8 ~

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Chapter 8
Monday August 21st
Mallory's POV

Monday mornings are always dreadful.

Especially when you're up at 3:30 in the morning.

Even more so when you're on your way to a hospital full of people who treated you awfully the entire last week.

I went to Veronica's house last night and took a shower. It felt amazing to not feel like I was rushing underneath the water, the way that I do when I take showers at gas stations or rest stops. I took advantage of the opportunity to scrub the long week that I had off of my body, and even shaved my legs.

I had full intentions of sleeping the entirety of yesterday, but Veronica had texted me saying, or demanding that I needed to get my butt over there so she could cook me a good meal. When I got there she continued on that it was probably the only good meal that I had since the breakfast she cooked me, and honestly she wasn't wrong. Between scarfing food down my face at the hospital, and living off of snacks and small fast food meals I could barely afford, I hadn't had a healthy dinner in a while.

I thanked them graciously, ate a good meal, took a shower, and then the three of us curled up on the couch to watch one of our favorite movies together. It was a pretty good evening if I'm being honest. I had some of the best friends.

But now I'm awake before the sun is even up at a gas station nearby the hospital so I can use the bathroom and wash my face. Definitely not my favorite, but it's like the only choice I had right now. Plus, I really did need to fill up my tank as my car was on its last couple of miles. I looked at my reflection in the mirror, the bags under my eyes are already starting to form.

I will admit it's been hard to fall asleep recently. Residency is so exhausting, but when it comes time to lay in my bed and fall asleep, my brain won't shut off. The mean comments that were said to me through out the day run through my mind over and over until I almost spiral. I can't get the sound of Harry's yelling or Mason's taunting out of my head. I was so proud of myself when I matched into residency, it was the real first step for me that made me feel like I was finally going to prove my dad wrong. Except now I have other doctors repeating those hurtful things to me and making me doubt my capabilities again.

I was really hoping that I didn't start to hate one of the few things I truly loved.

I brushed my teeth and fixed up my hair in the mirror into a high ponytail, Mondays mean simplicity. I gathered my things when I was done, and headed out, a group of guys cat calling me as I made my way to my car under the illuminating lights of the gas station. I ignored them and picked up my pace, locking my car doors the second I hopped inside. I didn't waste time, speeding off and driving my way through the city that never sleeps.

My intern group, minus Isabella was in the locker room getting ready for the first shift of many for the week. Everyone was talking about what we did on our first day off, which was a general consensus of sleeping. Isabella walked in a few moments later, a way too cheerful smile for 5am on a Monday morning, with a box of donuts.

"I brought donuts!" She grinned, outstretching the box to the four of us and letting us take our pick. I picked out a vanilla frosted with sprinkles, thanking her graciously as I took my first delicious bite of the sweet treat.

"Do you always try this hard to get people to like you?" Mason asked her.

She snarled at him. "No, but now I hope you starve" and ripped the uneaten donut out of his hand.

Beau took a donut from the pack. "Thank you Bella, I appreciate it"

I rolled my eyes at Mason's unnecessary commentary, I will never understand why he feels the need to be rude for no reason whatsoever. However we all moved on when Dr. Brooks came into the room to say good morning and give out our specialty assignments for today.

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