~ Chapter 36 ~

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Hi besties

Chapter 36
Thursday October 19th
Mallory's POV

I stared longingly at the mesh of colors illuminating the sky as the sun began to rise. It was something I've needed now more than ever. My saving grace that each day is a new slate. A new day to make new memories or do better than the last.

Or screw up more than the one before in my case recently.

Harry and I avoided each other all day yesterday. Well, I worked extraordinarily hard to steer clear of him. I even was happy when I was placed on plastics, despite hating being there anymore because of what happened the one and only other time I was assigned there, just so that I could avoid seeing Harry. The only time I ran into him yesterday was we both made it to the cafeteria at the same time and strayed on opposite sides.

Although, our eyes were on one another the whole time.

Whatever was going on between us was over for good. We were not going to sleep together again. He can go back to playing pretend with his wife. I can pretend he never happened.

If our eyes would stay off of one another.

I say I'm done.

But I'm still confused.

I focused my eyes on the rising sun, praying that I can put everything behind me today.

But I should've known better.

"Hey sunrise" A familiar deep voice called out to me.

I sighed heavily. "Go away Harry"

"Why are you sitting on a dumpster?" He ignored my request, squinting his eyes to look up at me. Typically I sit on the hood of my car when I do my morning routine, but that obviously isn't the case anymore. At least until I get my car back. Thank god that's next week. I loved staying with my friends, but I didn't want to feel like a bother or that I was overstaying, so I was relieved to get my own space back fairly soon.

"Because I'm watching the sunrise" I answered uninterested. "And don't call me that"

I expected him to walk away. I expected him to leave. Go inside the hospital. End the conversation. Like we ended our little fling just over a day ago.

But what I heard next was the sound of him climbing up the side of the dumpster to get next to me. I had to roll my eyes so I didn't laugh when he grunted and practically threw himself on to the top of the dumpster to get up here.

"Aha" He muttered, standing up and dusting off his pants. I'm honestly surprised he climbed his ass up here after being so picky and uptight over everything. The most famous and respected surgeon at this hospital sitting on a dumpster wasn't something I ever thought I'd see. Or something he ever thought he'd do.

"What the hell are you going?" I scowled at him. I didn't like the way that he took a seat down next to me, his knees bent in front of his chest the same way mine were. I didn't like the way that he was interrupting my peace and quiet for what is likely another game of his. I didn't like the fact that he's mocked me for it and now is sitting here staring at the sun.

"Watching the sunrise" He made a face at me. "The hell it look like I'm doing?"

"Irritating me?" I answered, scooting away from him. "Go away"

"What? A man can't sit on a dumpster at 7 in the morning and watch the sun rise?" He asked, feigning offense.

"Not when you told me I needed a psych consult for it" I remarked, shaking my head at him. I mean, did he seriously have to invade every aspect of my life? Even the happy parts? The ones that I've had long before I ever met him?

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