~ Chapter 6 ~

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Chapter 6
Friday August 18th
Mallory's POV

Carissa was currently in the ICU. The doctors on her team were in the middle of a balancing act with her care. If we kept delaying surgery for so long, Carissa could die. However if she was taken back for surgery too soon then she could also die. They were working with a very fine line between life and death.

Right now Dr. West, Dr. Boden, and myself were in Carissa's ICU room checking on her condition.

"Temperature is 95.4 degrees. And her pH is 7.28" I told the two of them.

"Clotting better as well" Dr. Boden was examining her wounds. "But some of the wounds are still oozing"

The three of us looked at one another, I had a feeling all of us were thinking along the same thing. It's been multiple hours now and everyone is afraid of waiting too long.

"What do you think Dr. Boden?" Chief West turned to him.

He signed heavily. "I think if we wait much longer she will go into multiple organ failure"

"Then that decides It" Chief West turned to Carissa's mother to raise her voice and speak to her. "We believe it's time to get back in there. We need to finish what we started"

I was back in my spot in the gallery, except this time Mason was there sitting next to me. It was quite unfortunate. I assumed Isabella was doing a bunch of mundane tasks for Harry that wouldn't help further her career, but I wish she was sitting in here with me.

Sitting here with Mason is just as bad as sitting here with Harry.

I really needed to make sure that he was going to keep what he knew about Dr. Styles and I to himself. I already know that he's shared the coffee story with other people, so there's no doubt in my mind that he's capable of sharing the other part.

I decided to just come right out and say the words that I needed to say. If I beat around it or hinted, he probably wouldn't get the memo. I took a deep breath and let the words out. "You cannot tell anyone about Dr. Styles and I"

I looked over at him, to see that stupid smirk of his toying on his lips. He leaned back in his seat, asserting some type of male dominance or whatever they think they're doing. "Aw is somebody nervous I'm going to share their dirty little secret?"

I hated the way that he asked that question in such a taunting and condescending tone. It's not like I knew who Harry was the night that we were at the bar, it was simply a unfortunate coincidence that we work the jobs that we do. It was a one time thing that will never happen again, and Mason making it some game is frustrating me.

It's one thing that I have to be reminded of it every time I see Harry. It's even worse when Mason keeps making a big joke out of it.

I tried to remain calm, like his little teasing wasn't irritating every bone in my body. I pursed my lips together. "No. But there's no reason for anybody to know"

Mason stayed silent, looking in thought about my demand. The few moments we sat in silence was suffocating. I was just hoping to myself that he would agree and not make this any more difficult for me. Unfortunately, the hope was not too high as I doubted it.

"I mean I'm not the one who had sex with their attending" Mason shrugged cockily, acting as if he was simply better than me because of this difference between us. Meanwhile all he does is hang out with the nurses on the third floor.

"Keep your voice down!" I whisper scolded him. I looked over at the intercom machine, internally grateful that the light was off. If it was on, it would mean that all the attendings in the operating room would be hearing our conversation.

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