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the six of us sat in our usual booth at the cap diner.
"soo jessie you and ryan?" i asked raising my eyebrows. "he's nice!" she smiled widely, "you're literally dating a jock!" she laughed. "we never got to meet this said jock" gabby smirked. "is he even real?" she giggled.

"uh yes he's real he goes to hanover" i smiled, no he doesn't, but she can't know that evan and i have been secretly hanging out behind her back for months. "oh really? can we meet him tonight?" gabby asked, "uh no he's busy" i said.

"how's the knee, ellie?" scuba asked, "i mean it's healed but i haven't played soccer in a while. i doubt im any good anymore" i sighed. "hey come on don't say that im sure you're still great" evan smiled.

"ryan's gonna be here soon" "guys please be nice to
him" jessica said looking at evan and scuba. "ryan's nice i guess, like an npc. he just messes with the group dynamic!" evan said.

"ryan's sweet! don't be mean" i said, "you know ryan?" he asked, gabby gave him a look. "uhh duh" i replied. "i've known ryan since second grade, we married once didn't work out" i laughed. "that's cute" jesscia smiled.

"hey babe" ryan said giving jessica a quick kiss and saying hello to everyone, sitting next to gabby. "hey ellie, it's been a while" he smiled hugging me. "how are you holding up?" he asked, "i've been good, my knee finally healed" i replied.

"really? that's great when are you going back on the field?" he asked. "uh um i'm not sure if i want to. i'm too nervous" i said. should give it a try! maybe it will be fun. i'll be more than happy to practice with you" he smiled.

i could feel eyes burning into my soul, it was evan. he was so jealous and he was really bad at hiding it.

"so i was wondering if you guys would want to see the game on the 49 line with me" ryan said pulling out tickets and putting them on the table. scuba and evan smiled happily. "dude that's crazy!" evan said.

"hey miss! we're ready to order!" gabby said. "this ain't rightmart, you kids actually have to wait your turn!" she said rolling her eyes and walking away.

"Ooo she told you!" evan teased, "she told us!" gabby pouted sinking into the side of him, the rest just laughed. "what can i get you little shits" she said, i waited for everybody else to order, "can i get coffee and some fries" i said. everyone else said what they wanted and we just sat there and talked.

"party! let me know if you want to buy tickets" jacob said handing out flyers. "why don't you finish my fucking history paper?" evan asked, the kid walked off. "be nice to him! he's sweet!" gabby said. i rolled my eyes, evan can be such a dickhead, sometimes.

"i should get going, it's getting late" i said, "i'll drive you" evan said. "what about me?" gabby asked, "come on i'll take you both home" he said. can he be more obvious? "so eleanor do you wanna go in the front since my boyfriend loves you more than me?" she said sarcastically.

"gabby get in the damn truck" evan said, "you didn't even deny it" she said. "you're overreacting" he groaned in annoyance. "evan! what is going on?" gabby asked softly, i felt terrible. i'm the worst friend ever. evan looked at me, "why are you looking at her? look at me" she said. "gabby i'm sorry" he began, "you didn't?" she questioned her voice cracking.

young forever; evan fletcherWhere stories live. Discover now