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"good morning, beautiful" evan said wrapping his arm around my shoulder, as we walked down the hallway of the school. "good morning" i smiled. "guys!" yulia said running up to us, "what? what's wrong?" i asked, "john carver posted again!" she said.

i frantically took out my phone and searched up the instagram handle. "that's fucking sick!" i said, the photo was of the security guard that ran away that night. his head was displayed on the table, behind him was the other half of the waitress from capotain diner.

"i'm scared, guys" gabby said clinging onto evan's arm. okay? what the fuck? "come on ellie i'll walk you to history" yulia said linking our arms. "ellie wait up!" evan said, i rolled my eyes. "what do you what?" i asked, "what's wrong?" he asked. "you didn't even take her arm off of you? do you not understand how that looks?" i asked.

"i'm sorry, okay? i didn't think it meant anything" he sighed, "it's fine, we have more important things to worry about" i replied. i sat in between yulia and evan and got ready to read our history papers.

"thank you, chad for that insightful reading" mrs. beyers said, "ms. garcia, you return" she said, i got up and read my paper. "very well written and spoken. good job" she smiled. "mr. fletcher, please begin" she said. evan started reading his paper and jacob kept smirking at him.

"that was beautiful, evan. i enjoyed hearing you read it as much as i enjoyed writing for my blog" she said. evan sat back down and looked at jacob.

the bell rang and we scattered off, "im gonna kill that little, asswipe" evan said as we walked down the hallway to our next class. "if it makes you feel any better, you'll probably be killed before you get suspended for plagiarism" scuba said. "scuba! not cool" i said "don't even joke about that."

"don't worry, babe! nothing's gonna happen to me" evan said. the rest of the group met us in the computer room, so we could come up with some ways to catch the killer. "babe are you still coming to my game, tomorrow?" evan asked, "sure" i smiled, "i wouldn't miss it for the world."

"aw how cute" gabby said sarcastically, "what's your problem?" i snapped, "guys really? we can't do this right now" jesscia sighed. "ellie, don't let her get to you. you're better than her" yulia whispered.

"i should go home" i said, "wanna come over, yulia?" i asked, "of course" she smiled. "do you girls want a ride?" scuba asked, "nah we'll walk" i said and yulia agreed.

"you're okay with walking right?" i asked, "of course, i'm tired of feeling scared" she said. "you don't have to be jealous of gabby you know" she said, "i know..but i can't help it. she and evan have been together for a while and she clearly knows all his weak spots for her" i let out breathe of air.

"babes..." she said turning to me, "you have nothing to worry about! evan is so head over heels for you, it's not even funny" she smiled.

we finally made it to my house and i unlocked the door. "make yourself at home" i said, "i'll make us some food" i smiled walking into the kitchen. "can i helppp" yulia said. "fine fine" i giggled.

"can we bake cookies?" she asked, "um of course" i smiled getting all the ingredients out. "best cookies win!" she said. "oh you're so on" i said starting to make my batch.

i finished mixing the batter and placed nicely round cookies onto the baking sheet, yulia did as well. "this is so fun" she laughed, "it is, right? i missed hanging out" i said. "come on let's watch something while the cookies bake" i said heading to the living room.

yulia and i both looked at each other and grinned. "cookie time!" we said in unison, we raced to the kitchen and took our cookies out of the oven. we set them on the cooling rack and just talked for a while.

"this was fun" i laughed, "it reminds me of old times, when you used to sleepover every weekend. remember the cookie dough fights we would have?" she asked laughing. "oh my god! you're dad got so mad at us" i laughed.

"ready?" i asked placing the cookies on a plate, "ready" she replied. "this is so good" i said, "agreed." "switch" i said trading our cookies. "wow you did a good job" i said, "you too" she said. "i think it's a tie, honestly" i chuckled.

"do you wanna stay over?" i asked, "well it is tuesday, so let me call my dad and ask if it's okay" she said going into the other room. as yulia was calling her dad, i put some cookies away for evan. "he said yes!" she said happily. "yay!" i smiled.

"let's go upstairs, i have some much homework to get done" i sighed. i got all my books and laid them out on my bed. chemistry, math, and english yay. "do you have any work?" i asked, "social studies and english" she replied.

"oh i'll be right back, i forgot to the check mail my mom's waiting on something" i said, i slipped on my slippers and opened the door to walk to the mail box. from the corner of my eye i spotted the figure with the pilgrim mask. i quickly grabbed everything and rushed back in locking all the doors.

i put the mail on the table and ran upstairs locking the door. "ellie? what's wrong?" yulia asked worriedly, "i saw a person in a pilgrim mask across the street" i said. i peaked threw the curtains but nobody was there anymore. "maybe he left?" she said, "or she" i said.

"now i'm officially creeped out, can we go to bed?" yulia asked. "as if i would ever be able to sleep. i need to get my work done. we can watch a movie, you pick" i said handing her the remote.

she put on she's all that, "i love dean, he's so cute" i gushed, "he really is" yulia said. "english done! 2 more subjects to get done" i sighed. "don't stress, ellie!! you're gonna pass this year with flying colors" yulia said. "i'm just happy i have you in my life. i would literally die if i lost you" i said.

"ells! stop you're gonna make me cry" she said, "i'm sorry! just everything going on lately makes me all lovely dovey. i want to make sure you guys know how much you mean to me" i said. "come here you goof" she said giving me a big hug.

"stop getting sappy on me. you're making me sad" she giggled. the rest of the night i finished my homework and we watched some movies.

young forever; evan fletcherWhere stories live. Discover now