~ 10 (pt. 2)

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"scuba can you call yulia and see what's going on please?" i asked. "yeah come on guys" he said. i got in the back and jess was in the passenger seat. scuba started ringing yulia to see what was happening with her.

"hey babe" she said, "yulia your dad is moving you guys?" i asked putting my dad in the middle of scuba and jess. "he said we're going to florida" she's scoffed clothing her clothes in a suitcase. "evan and gabby are still missing" he said. "i know im sorry. i've been trying to call them, but they're not answering" she sighed.

"i'm scared" i said, "don't be love everything will be okay, i promise!" she said. "YULIA!" her dad yelled over the phone. "i gotta go bye guys, love you" she said.

"really your idea is mccarty's party?" i asked, "no we're getting reinforcements" she said. we got in the house and jacob brung us to the VIP idea. "anything you like?" mccarty asked showing the guns that he has. "how about this?" scuba asked. "i mean this is good for a zombie apocalypse or brain eating disease" he ranted on.

scuba put it down, "this one. this is one is good" he said. "good choice" mccarty said, "here" mccarty said giving a ring to jess. "it's from my dad for good luck" he said. "thanks mccarty" she said.

we got back in scuba's jeep and drove off. yuliw was calling scuba back again. "hey babe. sorry about before" she said. "no worries" he said, "can we come over? and say bye before you leave?" i asked. "better hurry! leaving soon" she smiled. "okay. love you" i said.

yulia was cleaning her ears with q-tips, she threw them out, but i guess missed the garbage because she bent down to pick it up.

"oh no no! yulia!" i screamed, i was the john carver mask behind her. as soon as yulia sat up again, john carver stuck something in both yulia's ears and she screamed in pain and terror. "NO NO YULIA!"
we all screamed and scuba cut people off and drove straight to her house.

john carver took her phone and pointed it down at her body and hung up. "SCUBA DRIVE FASTER!" i cried. scuba went as fast as he could and we finally made it to yulia's place.

we rushed out of the car and walked in her house. it was blocked off by her dad's and security guard's body. "YULIA!" i shouted, "WHERE ARE YOU?" "ELLIE! ELLIE! PLEASE HELP ME!" she cried.

yulia's dad was still renovating the kitchen, so there was plastic covers all over, wood, and a saw machine. "yulia!" i cried, "ellie scuba! please help me!" she cried. john carver held yulia against his chest with a knife to her throat. jess yelled at scuba to take out his gun.

he pointed his gun at the killer and tried to shoot, but he didn't know the safely was on. "scuba! the safety!" jess cried. the killer moved his body over and pressed on the red button that turned on the saw.

before anyone could do anything else, he threw yulia's body on the saw. it cut through her fingers, ripping through her body, blood splattering everywhere.

"YULIA! YULIA!" i cried, scuba held her body, "jess, what do i do? jess?" scuba asked in shock. i sobbed looking at yulia's dead body, not knowing what to do.

i held my chest trying to control my breathing, jess called the police and rubbed my back.

my best friend is dead.

author's note!
poor ellie :(
she can't catch a break.

young forever; evan fletcherWhere stories live. Discover now