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"eleanor elizabeth garcia, get up. now!" my mom said sternly, "ugh go away!" i groaned trying to get my sleep. "you have a lot of nerve, you ditched school yesterday? with who? your little boyfriend?" she asked. "yeah so what?" i scoffed, "what has gotten into you?" she asked. "nothing! i wanted to spend the day with my boyfriend!" i groaned.

"if i find out you ditched again there will be consequences" she said walking out. "god" i whispered, putting the pillow over my face. "all the sudden she cares?" i muttered.

i got up out of my bed and took a quick shower. tomorrow is my 18th birthday! i'm so excited. i wrapped a towel around my body and walked back to my room and picked out a simple outfit for the day. i picked out black nike sweatpants and matching hoodie with my white air forces.

i grabbed my things and headed out the front door. "hey there beautiful!" evan smiled opening the passenger door for me, "thank you" i smiled kissing his cheek. "my mom's so mad about me ditching" i sighed, "same. my dad was pissed" he said.

"they'll get over it" he said, i agreed. "do you wanna hangout after school?" he asked, "i can't today. i'm busy" i replied. "really? doing what?" he asked, "you'll find out tomorrow!" i smiled. "okay okay" he said.

"evan slow down!" i said as he drove fast down the road. he pulled into a parking space in the parking lot. "your driving is getting worse!" i said, "hey! i'm not that bad" he laughed. i grabbed my things and we headed into the school building.

evan and i walked hand in hand, through the halls of school. "yulia!" i smiled, "hey love" she said, "can you come out with me after school?" i asked, "of course"she smiled. "babe i'll see you later" i said kissing him, yulia and i walked off to first period.

"so what are you getting?" she asked, "i just want to put together a cute basket for evan's game tomorrow"
i smiled excitedly. "it's the big game before the year ends" i smiled. "that's so cute! maybe i'll do one for scuba too" she said.

yulia and i sat in our regular seats listening to the teacher go on and on about whatever assignment we have to do before the end of the year.

"you ready?" i asked, "ready!" i smiled, "hey babe!" evan smiled, "hey!" i said. "coach is making us do a last minute practice before the game. since you and yulia are going out. do you wanna borrow my truck?" he asked. i was surprised, "really? you trust me to drive your baby" i teased. "of course i do. just be careful" he said kissing my cheek and handed me the keys.

"let's go boo!" i said linking arms with yulia. "ellie! wait can we talk?" gabby asked, "no, i don't have time" i said ignoring her. yulia and i got in truck, "wow" i said, "so mall?" she asked, "yes!" i smiled. i adjusted my seat and all mirrors before driving off.

i parked the truck by the nearest entrance and we got out. "you're driving is not bad" yulia said, "thank you. all i need is my own car" i sighed.

we walked through the mall going into a bunch of stores, i picked out cute little gifts for evan and went into a candy store to get his favorite things. "evan is going to love everything!" yulia smiled. "you think so?" i asked, "yes, of course! you worked so hard on this. he would be stupid not to love it" she giggled.

yulia decided to put together a basket for scuba as well, getting all of his favorite things. once we were done shopping we went to the food court and got a quick bite.

young forever; evan fletcherWhere stories live. Discover now