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"so are you excited for the party tonight?" yulia asked clinging her arm around me as we walked through the school corridors. "i guess! i'm just nervous" i said, "don't be! everything will be okay" she smiled.

"there she is! soon to be birthday girl!" evan smiled, "it's not until wednesday" i replied, "so it's gonna be the perfect day then. your birthday, my big game" evan smiled. "we'll have a lot to celebrate!" i said.

gabby, evan, scuba, and i walked to english class, while yulia and jessica went to science. "see you girls later" i said. "god this claaa is such a drag" evan sighed, "it's not so bad" i said, "yeah well you didn't read a paper that the teacher literally wrote herself " he said.

"maybe you should've written it your own paper? or at least paid jacob for the work he was doing for you" i said. evan glared at me, playfully. "are you excited for the party?" he asked, "no, not really. there's still a killer out there. just because he hasn't killed anyone else yet doesn't mean anything" i said.

"ellie, you stress too much" gabby said, "oh sorry? that i'm scared" i scoffed. "okay! everyone let us begin class!" ms. beyers said proceeding with the lesson.

END OF THE DAY (i get so lazy when it comes to writing school days 😂)

"come on let's go get ready!" yulia smiled, "i actually don't think im going anymore" i replied. "what! why not? ellie please!" she begged. "i'm sorry. i'm just not in a party mood" i said. "fine fine, i get it. but you still suck!" she laughed. "love you too" i said.

"babe! why aren't you going to the party anymore?" evan asked, "just not interested" i said, "if you want i can come over later instead?" he asked. "that's okay! go to the party with scuba and the others. i'll be fine" i smiled. "well, i mean are you sure?" he asked, "positive!" i said.

"come on i'll take you home" he said, i got in evan's truck and he dropped me off. "i'll see you later!" i said getting out. i unlocked the front door and placed my bag down. i got a quick snack and ran up to my room.

i decided that it was time for me to try and play soccer again. so i picked out my shorts, spandex, nike socks, and my cleats.

outgoing message
hey! are you free today by any chance?
hey ellie. yeah i am actually. jesscia is going to some party, im not really interested. why? what's up?
do you think you can meet me on the field to practice soccer? i'm not interested in the party neither.
sure. i'll meet you there in 20 mins.
perfect! thank you

i grabbed my things and headed out to the park by my house. waiting for ryan to show up, i decided to do some basic practice drills.

"hey there ellie bear!" ryan smiled, "don't ever call me that again" i laughed. "let me do some practice drills and we can get started" ryan said. "sure" i smiled.

"alright let's do this!" he said, ryan and i played 1 vs 1 games, "how's that knee?" he asked, "feels great!" i smiled taking the ball from him and making a goal. "you did it!" he smiled excitedly picking me up. "thank you! ryan i couldn't have done it without you!" i smiled.

he put me down, it was awkward. "so..this is why you didn't wanna come to the party anymore? you were too busy hanging out with fucking ryan baker!" evan said angrily.

young forever; evan fletcherWhere stories live. Discover now