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i woke up to extra early took a quick shower and got ready for the school day. i picked out black ripped jeans, a grey nike crewneck, and my black nike pandas. i grabbed my phone, bag, and went downstairs for breakfast. i checked my phone and saw i was tagged in a photo by johncarver it was a dinner table? i decided to ignore it and move on.

as usual my mom wasn't home, she's never home anymore. i was in the kitchen grabbing my breakfast when the door bell rang, i opened it and saw evan. "hey ell, can we talk?" he asked, "sure" i said opening the door for him to come inside.

"eleanor, im sorry about last night. i was such a dickhead" he said, "yeah you kinda were" i laughed. "i love you, okay?" "i couldn't pretend with gabby anymore" he said. "i guess it's a good thing that i love you too right?" i smiled. "you do?" "of course i do" i said kissing him. he grabbed both sides of my face and kissed me softly.

"come on let's go to school" he said grabbing my hand, "let's go" i said and he opened the truck door for me. "i think gabby is setting up a revenge plan. she came to see me last night and she was apologizing and she was calm? it's just weird" i said. "don't worry about her" he said.

he parked the truck and we walked into the school together. i heard some whispers but what could i possibly expect? "don't listen to them" evan whispered in my ear and kissed my head, "i'll see you later, okay?i have to meet jacob for my history paper" he said. "sure" i said walking off to my locker.

jessica and gabby were at their lockers, same with scuba and yulia. "yulia! you left so early" i said, "sorry i didn't wanna wake you. scuba picked me up and we got breakfast" she smiled. "that's okay evan came by" i said. "Ooo" she giggled.

evan came rushing through the halls frantically, "guys john carver tagged us in a photo" he said showing us, "yeah i saw this morning the table right? it's nothing" i said. "no this!" he said, the picture showed the right mart sign and a lower body sitting on the star. "i'm gonna throw up" i said pushing his phone away.

"what the fuck?" scuba said, "jesscia, call your dad!" gabby said. we waited outside as jess talked to her dad.

"so?" i asked, "he's hiring additional security" she responded, "but not closing the store?" gabby asked. we were walking outside heading to the police station, her dad told her that sheriff newlon wanted to speak to us all. "correct. that would make sense" jessica said annoyed.

"wait, wait, are you serious?" evan asked, "did your not see that this guy tagged us? is he waiting for us to be on a fucking display in front of his store?" evan asked angrily.

"i'm asking him right now" scuba said taking out his phone. "scuba, don't!" yulia and jessica said unison, "why not?" scuba asked. "why the fuck not? he gonna tag me i'm gonna send that motherfucker a DM, come get me bitch!" scuba said recording himself.

jessica was talking and i was spaced out not realizing a car was coming, "yo!" evan said grabbing me and jess's arm. "jesus are you crazy mccarty?" jessica asked, "don't worry princess i wouldn't hit you or your friend" he said. "you know how much paperwork the cops would make me fill out" he said.

"mccarty are you back to finish tenth grade?" gabby asked, "i just thought, you know, in light of the current situation, you might want a little protection, courtesy of my old man's store" he said. "mccarty only you would have the balls to sell guns at a high school. i should kick your ass right here" scuba said.

mccarty started saying some shit and as soon as scuba started moving closer to the truck, "easy there scooby snacks, i'm just kidding. i wouldn't sell guns to kids. i'm selling alcohol" he said. "and right now i gotta meet that little farthead jacob to sell some mccarty party tickets" he said, "okay" the girls said and we started walking away.

"jessica saw the sheriff first, so the rest of us were talking with the officer at his desk. evan was showing him the photo that john carver tagged us in first.

"and see if you look closely you can see it says scuba" evan said. "why do they call you scuba? what's your last name?" the office asked, "dybing" he replied, "last name?" he asked, "claude" scuba replied. "yeah scuba's better" he said and i chuckled.

"eleanor you're not please come in" the sheriff said, i looked at evan, "i'll wait for you" he said. "hey eleanor please have a seat" he said, "i just wanna ask you some questions about the right mart incident" he said.

"you were there right? with your friends?" he asked, "yes, evan, jessica, gabby, scuba, yulia, and um bobby was there" i replied, "right. and why did you go to rightmart on the busiest day?" he asked, "evan got in a fight, he needed a new phone it was just supposed to be in and out" i explained.

"you were during it right?" he asked, "i was, i tore my knee, but it's healed now" i said, "right you play soccer" he smiled, "i used to play too when i was younger" he said. "alright, eleanor that's all for right now. anything comes up please come to me" he said. "sure thing thanks sheriff newlon" i replied and walked out.

"ready babe?" evan asked, "yeah let's go" i said. "what did he want?" he asked, "um, just went over rightmart who was there and why we were there" i said. "what did you say?" he asked, "the truth. you needed a new phone after the fight" i said.

"are you hungry? wanna get something to eat?" he asked, "pizza?" i asked, "whatever you want" he smiled. "el are you okay?" he asked, "i'm just nervous" i replied. we ordered some pizza and talked for a while.

"come on let's get you home" he said, "what's the point? nobody's home like usual" i sighed. "i can stay with you if you want" he offered, "that's okay" i smiled, "i get more work done by myself" i said.

"call me if you need anything, okay? love you" he said parking in front of my house. "bye" i smiled kissing his cheek. i walked into my house and went to my room.

i stayed up for a few hours finishing up the history paper and other projects were almost due.

any comments?
feedback is always appreciated 🫶🏼

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