~ 11 (pt. 2)

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i woke up groggy, i didn't know what was going on. there was a cloth around my mouth, i couldn't speak. our hands were also tied with rope. i opened my eyes and looked around. i saw evan, gabby, jess, jess's dad, scuba, and my mom. where's kathleen?

"mom!" i cried my voice was muffled i couldn't speak. "it's okay, it's gonna be okay honey" she said. "evan" i spoke, "i love you" he said. i looked around trying to find an out, but john carver came out of the corner.

"gather round the table, everyone" he talked using a voice box. "dinner is served" he said lifting the cover off the thing that was on the table. i guess we found kathleen. jess a creamed, her father crying in terror.

"what the fuck is that?" evan cried in fear, "she's been cooking all day" he said lifting another cover revealing kathleen's head. thomas threw up in disgust.

"let's start off the dinner with a cheer, from our cheerleader" the killer picked up a cork screw and poked it in the cheerleader's neck. "fresh from my wine refrigerator. she'll pair nicely with kathleen" he said moving the blood around in the glass.

"so nice to all be together again on thanksgiving" he said, "and joining us...dad!" he said holding a knife to thomas's throat. jessica cried and screamed. "our guest of honor thomas wright" he said. "who last year's fun sitting in his mansion."

"now let's go around the table and say what we're grateful for" john carver said taking his phone. "i was gonna start off with the person who inspired me to make my own video, evan. but i think we'll save him for later. let's go to elizabeth garcia.

"mom!" i cried, "please no! no!" i cried, "eleanor, all your life your mom has lied to you about your father. she left you on the one day that you needed her. she's a terrible mother" he said in his distorted voice.

"so, elizabeth tell me what are you thankful for?" he asked, "please help us!" she cried and screamed. the killer pulled my mom's head down into to the table. "ellie! no!" evan yelled, "i love you, eleanor. i'm sorry" she cried, "i'm sorry for everything." the killer grabbed a metal meat tenderizer.

i closed my eyes as i heard it mash over and over. it felt like the world was ending. my best friend dead, my mom dead. i couldn't breath.

jessica was using the ring that mccarty gave her to cut the rope that held her hands together. she handed it off to scuba. "gabby you're next" the killer said, before anything could happen, scuba was free and he took the chair and smashed it over the killer.

jessica was also free. "run! run!" her dad yelled, scuba put the ring in my hand before they ran off and the killer chased them. "what the fuck?" i said looking at another john carver mask. "there's two of them?" gabby cried. "leave us alone!" i cried.

"she ruined your life, ellie. i'm doing this for you! siblings have to stick together" the distorted voice talked again. "you're not doing this for me! you're a psycho!" i cried. my hands were now free and i jumped across the table grabbing the knife and giving evan the ring.

"back the fuck up!" i said swinging the knife at the killer. "you really wan to save her ?" he asked, "after everything?" "gabby will always be my friend" i said, "you really haven't learned anything, have you?" he asked.

young forever; evan fletcherWhere stories live. Discover now