• altnerative ending •

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i woke up groggy, i didn't know what was going on. there was a cloth around my mouth, i couldn't speak. our hands were also tied with rope. i opened my eyes and looked around. i saw evan, gabby, jess, jess's dad, scuba, and my mom.

"mom!" i cried my voice was muffled i couldn't speak. "it's okay, it's gonna be okay honey" she said. "evan" i spoke, "i love you" he said. i looked around trying to find an out, but john carver came out of the corner.

"gather round the table, everyone" he talked using a voice box. "dinner is served" he said lifting the cover off the thing that was on the jessica's father crying in terror.

"what the fuck is that?" evan cried in fear, "she's been cooking all day" he said lifting another cover revealing kathleen's head. thomas threw up in disgust.

"let's start off the dinner with a cheer, from our cheerleader" the killer picked up a cork screw and poked it in the cheerleader's neck. "fresh from my wine refrigerator. she'll pair nicely with kathleen" he said moving the blood around in the glass.

"so nice to all be together again on thanksgiving" he said, "and joining us...dad!" he said holding a knife to thomas's throat. jessica cried and screamed. "our guest of honor thomas wright" he said. "who last year's fun sitting in his mansion."

"now let's go around the table and say what we're grateful for" john carver said taking his phone. "i was gonna start off with the inspiration that made me work on my own video...evan" he said. "but let's turn to elizabeth garcia" he said.

"mom!" i cried, "please no! no!" i cried, "elizabeth, you've kept your secrets, treated your daughter poorly. you didn't tell her about her father or life" he paused for a moment.

"so, elizabeth tell me what are you thankful for?" he asked, "my family. my baby eleanor, i love her to death. please don't hurt me, please don't hurt her" she cried.

jessica was using the ring that mccarty gave her to cut the rope that held her hands together. she handed it off to scuba. scuba got up before anything could happen, and swung the chair at the killer.

jessica was also free. "run! run!" her dad yelled, scuba put the ring in my hand before they ran off and the killer chased them. "what the fuck?" i said, i used the ring that scuba placed in my hand and started to cut through the rope.

i helped evan, gabby, my mom, and thomas get free. "it's all of us against you!" i yelled, "just give up!"
"you think you can beat me?" the voice said.

the killer moved closer to evan with the meat tenderizer. "DO NOT TOUCH HIM!" i screamed, "EVAN GO!" i yelled. "ellie no!" he said, "evan please"
i smiled, "it's okay. i'll love you forever" i said.

the killer tried swinging at evan but i pushed him out of the way and the meat tenderizer ended up hitting me. "oh fuck!" i cried, "eleanor!" my mom cried, "ellie!" evan cried.

i got up and again the killer charged at evan, but i blocked him. even if i am short, i shielded evan with my life. the killer put the meat tenderizer down and picked up the knife, he used to slice kathleen's thigh.

"knives it is" he said, "i won't let you get to him!" i shouted, i want my friends to get out of here alive. i gave jessica and scuba a look to get everyone out and get help.

the killer went after evan, and he ducked every swing. i jumped on the killer's back trying to get him away once again. the killer threw me over there back and stabbed me in the gut.

"oh my fuck!" i cried holding my wound, "ELEANOR!" evan screamed. the killer stabbed me again on my other side. "get away from her!" he said pushing the killer off.

the police sirens blared and scuba pointed the gun at the killer's head and shot him. "in here!" an officer yelled. they pulled me on the back board and carried me to the ambulance.

blood was oozing out of my wounds, i felt dizzy, and my face was pale. i could feel my body shutting down. "is she gonna be okay?" evan cried, "we need to get her to the hospital now!" the EMT said. my mom got in the ambulance with her. i could feel her hand holding mine.

eleanor was rushed into surgery, she was bleeding out and everyone was scared. the doctors weren't hopeful.

eleanor sat in the hospital bed, wires connected to her body, beeping sounds around her. was this the end? will she ever see evan again? her body was failing her.

"eleanor" evan said holding her hand, "it's me, evan" he cried. "please don't leave me. please wake up. i need you" he sobbed. "i can't do this without" he said.

"i love you" he said, "please come back."

but she didn't come back.
the line on monitor went straight. she was no longer breathing. everyone could hear evan's sobs and came rushing in. her mom shut down, hugging evan.

evan lost the love of his life. his future wife and mother of his kids. his prom date. the person who mattered most to him in the world.

elizabeth lost a daughter. she regrets not being home more often and being there for her when she needed her the most. lizzie felt like a shitty mother.

gabby felt like a shitty friend. she loved eleanor, she would always be her friend. no matter how bad they were fighting. she was devastated that she couldn't fix their friendship beforehand. she felt like it was her fault.

author's note!
just a reminder is not the real ending!
evan and ellie's story will continue on <3
seek peak of the story is the next chapter!

i hope you enjoyed this story and hope you continue the journey of ellie and evan!
thank you everyone for reading🤍
truly appreciate it 🫶🏼

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