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                                 It was 12AM
jessica, scuba, and i sat on the couch watching the police go around jessica's house talking with father and step mother kathleen. "i can't believe this is happening, how does this happen in a place like this?"
jess's father asked. her father went on a rant, on possibilities of what to do.

"i think we're all in agreement that we're not going to the parade tomorrow" mr.wright said, "well, i know im not going. it's too dangerous" kathleen said, "and it's not dangerous for evan and gabby?" jess asked teary eyed. "you saw what he did to yulia" she cried.

"we need to stop him. this parade could be our chance to catch him" jess said. "if we hide, then what?" "i don't want to spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder, do you?" she asked. "you're right, jess. let's do this" scuba said and i agreed.

"look, right mart has extra security" kathleen said, "so we don't have to worry about the store, okay?" "and as far as im concerned, the parade has been decided." she argued. "god, i don't want to be dragged into this any further!" she said annoyed.

"i mean if you haven't went into the store this would've never happened" she said, "enough, kathleen" thomas said, "don't you mean you? you're the one who wanted the store open" jess fought back. "nobody was able to predict what would've happened last year! besides this year i'm closing the store" thomas said.

"wait what?" kathleen paused, "kathleen..it's the right thing to do" he said. "i made the decision and it's final." kathleen shook her head in disagreement.

"sheriff, is there a way to set a trap?" jess asked, "well, when the float returns to the warehouse, we can make it look like it's empty. make him think there's an opportunity to strike" the sheriff explained.

scuba could tell my mind was all over the place, my leg was shaking uncontrollably and my hands were shaking. scuba placed his hand on mine letting me know he was there for me. "tomorrow john carver is gonna go down" the sheriff said leaving the house.

"ellie, you should shower" jess said, "hm what?" i asked. "come on" she said helping me up, "it's going to be okay. i'm so sorry about yulia" she said. i broke down, "i can't believe she's dead" i sobbed, "oh ellie" she said hugging me tightly, "i'm sorry."

"i'll lay out some clothes for you" she said going in her room, "thank you" i smiled softly. i took a long hot shower, crying my eyes out for hours. everything out was shit. i got out and wrapped a towel around my body. i walked in jess's room and put on the outfit she gave me.

i laid in the bed next to jess, "we're gonna find evan and gabby. we know they're alive" she said. "what if it's a fake video?" i cried, "jessie, i can't lose evan. i'm in love with him" i sobbed. "it's going to be okay. i promise" she said hugging me.

"girls!" mr. wright called out, "good morning, ellie. i picked out an outfit you" jess smiled, "i'll be downstairs come down when you're done" she added. i put on the black jeans and sweater she left me and put on my converse.

"come on we need to head to over to the parade" mr. wright said. "scuba's gonna meet us there" jess informed me, "sounds good" i replied. "let's go girls" he said and we piled into the car.

the sheriff gave us costumes to wear, so we could blend in with everyone else. "eleanor" he said, "yes, sheriff?" i asked, "you didn't stop by yesterday" he said, "i know i'm sorry. it was my birthday it slipped my mind" i said. "i understand" he said.

"but i know...my friends told me. they found out" i said. "you're my dad..right?" i asked for confirmation. "i am. but we can talk about that later. i'm sorry about your friend" he said, "thank you" i replied.

i walked over to the other room and put on the pilgrim outfit. we all got on the float and did our part. we waved to the citizens of plymouth that were on the ground. the sheriff kept an eye out for the john carver masked killer.

"i'm scared" i whispered to jess, "i know, me too" she said. the float stopped abruptly, "hey! what's going on down there?" the sheriff asked, "it's mitch!" jess said.  the officers on ground got mitch and the others away from the float.

once the way was cleared, we started moving again. i waved and smiled at people from the town. wondering where my mom, evan, and even gabby are? i know gabby and i have been having our differences, but i don't want anything to happen to her. i'm just worried.

suddenly a person in a clown costume took an axe and decapitated the head off of the boy who was in the turkey costume. "oh my god" i said, the crowd ran away in fear. "everyone off the float!" the sheriff yelled.

we ran off and got in the nearest police car, "what the fuck!" i said as the police officer was shot with a tranquilizer gun. he fell to the ground and was not moving. thomas tried closing the car door, but failed he was the next to he tranquilized.

the clown shot scuba, jess, and i. "what's happening?"
i asked breathing heavily, holding my chest. our eyes fluttered close.

we had no idea what was going on or what will happen next. 

author's note!
i'm so excited, so here's another chapter 🫶🏼
part 2 will be out soon.
dinner will be served 🔪

also! the ending is coming up soon and i was thinking of doing two endings 🥰 so there will be the original ending that i planned and an alternative ending!!

announcement next chapter! stay tuned :)

young forever; evan fletcherWhere stories live. Discover now