~ 7

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i woke up and saw that it was 12pm, i don't usually wake up this late. but i don't go to sleep until 5am, i was too busy crying my eyes out. i noticed that yulia wasn't in my room anymore. so, i got up and walked over to my mirror, looking at myself.

my eyes were bloodshot and my cheeks were stained with dry tears. "finally you're up!" yulia said coming in with coffee and muffins. "thank you" i said, "i talked to scuba" yulia said, "and?" i asked with hopeful eyes.

"evan needs time. but don't worry everything will work out" she's smiled. "how can you be so sure?" i asked, "because i know you and i know evan. you guys love each other" she said. i sipped my coffee, "he hates me, i blamed him for what happened. it wasn't his fault!" i said tearing up again.

"ellie no please don't cry" she said hugging me, "it will get better, i promise. you guys will work it out before you know it" she said encouraging me. "my birthday is wednesday and his game" i said. "i bet it will be fixed before then" she replied.

"hey honey" my mom said, "hey mom" i replied. "im gonna go home for a few, call me if you need anything" yulia said kissing my head. "bye lizzie!" she said, "bye yulia" my mom replied.

"mom?" i asked, "yeah?" she replied. "where's dad?" i asked, "uh, um, he's gone honey" she said, "then why don't you sound sure of it?" i asked. "whose my dad" i said. "he left when you were so little. why does it matter now?" she asked. "why are you keeping it a secret!" i said angrily.

"because he left us! he didn't care about us eleanor!" she shouted, "if he did, then he would here right now, with us..with me" she said softly. "mom, im sorry. but i have a right to know who my father is" i said.

"even if i told you, you wouldn't believe me" she said walking off. what the fuck was that about? why won't she tell me who my dad is? or where he is?

outgoing texts me to evan🤍
evan, im so sorry. i didn't mean what i wrote. i was just so angry at the time. please you have to understand that you mean the world to me. i can't lose you. please. i love you so much it physically hurts. i can't breathe when im around you. i look in your beautiful brown eyes and see stars every time. i see my future with you. i wonder how our kids will be, you know? will our son be badass like you. will he have your sense of humor? your smile? your eyes? your fluffy hair? evan, please dont leave me you're the best thing thar has ever happened to me. i need you.

read 1:40pm

i set my phone down and decided to take a bath. i just wanted to forget this horrible nightmare. maybe evan's better off without me. i'm the one who ruined everything, not him. i don't deserve him.

i added bubbles to the bath and a nice lavender bath bomb and just relaxed. why do i always fuck everything up? i wish none of this ever happened.

"honey, you okay in there?" my mom asked knocking on the door, "i'm fine!" i said, "okay..well yulia's back" "okay ill be out in a few minutes!" i replied back.

i wrapped the towel around my body and walked back to my room. "hey yules" i smiled, "hey" she smiled back. "come on get dressed. your mom told me you haven't eaten anything yet. scuba's downstairs waiting" she said. "alright. let me throw something on" i said.

i threw on black sweatpants and an oversized t shirt with a hoodie. i slipped on some fuzzy socks and my crocs, not really caring how i looked. "ready" i said putting my hair in a messy bun. i grabbed my phone and bag.

"mom! i'm going out to eat" i said knocking on her door, "okay! have fun!" she replied back. yulia and i hopped in scuba's jeep. "have you talked to evan, scuba?" i asked, "i did...he's really messed up right now" scuba said. "i miss him" i said, "he misses you too, trust me" he said staring at the road.

"where are we going?" i asked, "plymouth diner" yulia replied. we pulled into the parking lot and i noticed the familiar black suv, it was evan's. "guys? why is evan's truck here?" i asked. scuba and yulia shared a surprised look. they didn't know he was gonna be here.

"we'll ignore him, it's fine" she said, they got out of the jeep and i followed behind them. "hey. table for 3 please" scuba told the waitress. "follow me" she said bringing us to a table.

can you guess who was sitting at the next booth next to us? ding ding evan AND WHO ELSE? gabby.

"oh hey scuba!" evan said dapping him up, evan and i made eye contact for a second and i broke it away. "yulia" i whispered, "i'm gonna go. i'm not really hungry" i said getting out of the booth. "ellie! please don't leave!" yulia said following after me.

i was outside leaning on the glass, holding my chest. it fucking hurt seeing them together. "yulia i can't go back in there. i'm sorry. i know you're trying to look for me, but it physically hurts" i cried. "i'm sorry. i didn't know they were gonna be here together" she said hugging me.

"you go back inside..i just need some time" i said, "okay" she replied. i took few deep breaths. "hey ellie! everything okay?" ryan asked coming up to me. "oh hey ryan. what are you doing here?" i asked, "just getting a quick bite, i've been writing essays for like forever" he said.

"how about you?" he asked, "isn't your boyfriend in there?" he asked staying at evan. "um- he's not my boyfriend anymore. he broke up with me" i said sadly. "his lost" ryan smiled, "you deserve better than evan fletcher anymore. guy's a total idiot, dumb jock" ryan spat.

"watch your fucking mouth! he's not an idiot or a dumb jock! he's actually really sweet and caring" i said, "if he's so sweet and caring, then why are you out here crying over him? why did he leave you? was it for gabby?" he asked. "just back off!" i yelled and stormed off.

i decided to just walk back home, probably the dumbest idea ever. but whatever.

i was halfway, when i heard a loud truck pull over. "get in" evan said rolling down his window, "it's okay, i'll walk" i replied. "ellie. please get in" he said reaching over and opening the door for me. i sighed and got in.

"why would you walk alone at night?" he asked, "because seeing you and gabby made me want to vomit. i had to get out of there" i scoffed. "are you doing okay?" he asked softly.

"no! i'm not doing okay! i'm fucking dying on the inside. do you have any idea how much i love you. it hurts to see you. it hurts to look at you right now!" i shouted with tears running down my face.

evan pulled in front of my house and parked the suv.

"eleanor, i'm sorry okay? i fucked up. i never should have broke up with you. i never should have left in the first place. i should've stayed and talked to you and worked things out" he said. "you left me" i sobbed.

"oh baby. i'm so fucking sorry" he said pulling me close to him. "i'm never leaving you again, okay?" he said. "im sorry. it's gonna be okay, ellie" he said rubbing my back.

"how can i trust you?" i asked, "you left so fast, how do i know you won't do it again?" "i promise you i won't" he said kissing my hand.

"i love you" he said, but i just stared at him not knowing what to say. normally, it would be "i love you" back. but after everything, is he still the boy that i love?

author's note
next chapter will confirm if evan and ellie get back together <3

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