~ 6 (pt. 2)

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"eleanor!" yulia smiled, "i'm so proud of you for standing your ground. gabs deserved it" she said. "i just want evan and i to be happy" i said. "ellie, are you okay?" evan asked wrapping his arm around me. "i am now that you're here" i said leaning my head on him.

"are you mad at me?" he asked, "no i'm not. i didn't know gabby could be so manipulative like that" i said, "i just want us to be happy. i want to live my life with you already" he smiled softly.

"you guys are so cute, it makes me sick" yulia laughed, "i can't believe you fucking punched gabby" jess said. "what did you expect me to do?" i asked, "be a bigger person! i know gabby was being a bit much. but can you really blame her? you stole her boyfriend!" jessica said.

"i can't believe you're taking her side" i said, "i'm not taking any sides. she was being a bitch, but that didn't mean you had to punch her" she said. "hey! guys" ryan said popping out of nowhere. "where the fuck did you come from?" evan asked.

"jess and i have plans. she texted me a pin drop" he said, "i'll see you guys later" she said. "oh, ellie. are you gonna tryout for soccer next year?" he asked, "well i mean, if i don't die" i joked. "not funny" evan said.

"she did so good, you should've seen it" ryan smirked, he was purposely trying to get underneath evan's skin. "i didn't know you and ellie hung out yesterday? you said you had something to do?" jess questioned.

"i did have something to do. ellie needed my help, since nobody else was around" ryan said. "that's such bullshit. ellie practically forced me to go to the party without her" even scoffed. "but she didn't force you to kiss your ex, now did she?" ryan said.

"ryan please stop" i said, "you never asked me to help you" evan said. "i didn't think you would want to" i replied. "but i told you i would. did you just not want me around?" he asked. "ryan let's go" jess said dragging him away.

"ellie if you ever need help again, call me" ryan smirked once again. "fuck you, baker!" evan said lunging towards him, but i pulled him away. "no more fights, please" i begged. "yulia do you wanna sleepover?" i asked.

"hey! what about me?" evan pouted, "aw you're so cute" i smiled. "how about we all have a sleepover?"
i suggested. "omg yes! so fun!" yulia smiled, "scuba?" i asked, "sounds good" he said. "great, you guys come over later" i said.

"come on, babe let's get something to eat" i said, "sure thing, let's go" he said taking my hand in his. he opened the truck door for me and we went to fast food place. "yummy" i said eating my fries, "yes you are" evan said thinking he was slick.

"i heard that. you're not so slick" i giggled, "how's the shake?" he asked, "very good, wanna try?" i asked. he gladly took a sip, "it's really good" he said. "i love you" i smiled, "i love you too" he smiled back.

"do you think we could ever have a family together?" i randomly thought out loud. "could? baby we are going to have an amazing family. so many mini eleanor's running around" he chuckled softly. i didn't even realized that my eyes were teary.

"awh ellie why are you crying?" he asked rubbing the tears running down my face. "it's happy tears! i'm just happy to hear you say that" i smiled kissing him. "i want to spend everyday with you for the rest of my life" he said holding my hand across the table.

young forever; evan fletcherWhere stories live. Discover now