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i haven't spoken to evan since last night.

he said he loves me, but i poured my heart out to him and all he did was leave me on read? i'm just confused on where my heart stands with him anymore. ever since going public, it's been different. i don't like it.

i walked through the school hallway, going to my locker to grab my books for the first three class periods that i have.

"good morning" jess smiled, "good morning" i replied. "ellie! have you talked to evan yet?" yulia asked, "no, i haven't. i'm not sure what to do anymore" i sighed. "you love him, don't you?" she asked, "yeah, of course i do. but it's different now. he was willing to leave me so quick and run back to gabby" i scoffed.

"it's not like that. evan told scuba that gabby has been texting him and shit. she wants him back, but he wants you" she said. "i want to believe that more than anything. but it's hard" i said, "ellie, believe me when i tell you. that boy would do anything for you" she smiled softly at me. "please don't lose him because of gabby and this bullshit going on" she said.

"i'll talk to him" i smiled, "good, i'll see you in class" she said walking. "what was that about?" jess asked, "nothing everything's fine. i have to find evan" i said walking off.

"evan!" i said walking up to him and scuba, "hey scooby" i teased, "hey ellie" he smiled, "i'll leave you guys alone. see you later" he said walked off. "so, i've been thinking and i love you, evan. but i need to know that you wont leave me like that again. i need to know that we can talk about anything" i said. "i promise" he said.

"good, because i don't ever wanna lose you again" i said kissing him. "i've missed you" he mumbled, "i miss you more." "so, i guess you lovebirds are back in business" ryan said. "yeah so what?" evan scoffed, "are you gonna leave her again for gabby?" he asked.

"fuck you, baker" evan said grabbing my hand. "god he's such a dickhead, sometimes" i said, "try all the time" he scoffed again. "babe! relax. don't let him ruin your day. BESIDES your big game is coming up and so is my birthday! and plus all the fun we're gonna have next year as seniors!" i said excitedly.

john carver just posted a photo!
caption: lovebirds back in action, not for long. all will fall wednesday.

it was a photo from last night when evan was parked in front of my house dropping me off.

"what the fuck" i said, "i can't wait until john carver goes away" evan said, "come on, let's ditch" i said. he raised an eyebrow at me, "school's not going anywhere. i just want to spend the day with you" i said. "fuck it. let's go" he said taking my hand.

we got in his truck and just drove around town. "it's so beautiful" i smiled, "let's get shakes" i said. we got out and walked over to the diner. we ordered an oreo shake and strawberry. "delicious!" i said, he just smiled up at me.

"why do you like me, ellie?" evan asked suddenly. "first of all i don't like you i love you" i giggled. "and i do because you're sweet, caring, protective. you're funny, can be immature sometimes, but you can also be serious. you make every dull moment, bright" i explained.

"why do you ask?" i asked looking at him, "i just wondered. gabby never said why she ever loved me" he said. "because gabby's selfish. she doesn't give compliments, she gets them" i scoffed. "i'm excited for your birthday. i have something big planned!" he said.

"i can't wait to see it" i said, "do you trust me?" he asked, "of course, i do. you would've seen me the other night. yulia had to make sure i didn't die, i was crying so much" i said. "i really am sorry that i put you through that" he said.

"why were you with gabby that night?" i asked, he stayed silent. i had a feeling i wasn't going to like the answer. "you know what? it doesn't matter. forget i even asked" i smiled sipping my shake. "ellie, it wasn't like that, we just talked. she won't stop texting me and she wants to get back together. i keep telling her to get lost, but she doesn't seem to get the hint" he said.

"just ignore her" i said, "if you want me in your life, then stop talking to her. i refuse to be second place to gabby, not again." "you're the only girl for me" he said. we paid the bill and headed out.

"where to now?" he asked, "wanna come over?" i asked, "sure" he said and we drove to my place. within minutes we were there and he parked the truck. we got out and i unlocked the front door.

"make yourself at home. i'll get some snacks" i said going into the kitchen and grabbing chips and sodas. "let's go to my room" i said. we sat on the bed and i put on a movie, scream (1996).

"classic! i love this movie" evan said getting comfortable, "me too!" i smiled getting comfortable as well. "i love stu! he's the best" i laughed at his stupidity, "no way! billy loomis is totally better" he said.

i turned to look at evan and he looked at me and we both recited, "my mom and dad are gonna be so mad at me!" we busted out laughing at each other. i laid my head on his shoulder and he laid his head on top of mine. "this is perfect" i said, "anything with you is perfect" he said.

"you're very cheesy" i laughed, "hey!" he said. we decided to have a scream marathon. so next up is scream 2. "DEWEYYY!" i shouted in excitement, "i guess somebody loves dewey" evan laughed. "he's my favorite" i said, "yeah i guess he's pretty cool" he replied.

i didn't even realized how tired i was, by the third film, i was knocked out. i didn't even notice when evan left.

author's note!
just a short little chapter for ellie and evan🤍
i'm so nervous to write about wednesday's events, so much is going to happen 😭

upcoming events: wondering who is ellie's dad? next chapter will have the answers!! 🫶🏼

thank you everyone for reading! 🥹
i hope you're enjoying the story 💗

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