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evan, yulia, and i stood by my locker as i grabbed my books for my next classes.

"oh look it's my ex boyfriend and new girlfriend eleanor!" gabby snarked. "i thought we were okay?" i questioned. "okay?" she scoffed, "you thought wrong. you stole my boyfriend! i hope the killer gets you next" she said.

"gabby!" evan said angrily, "don't fucking say shit like that because you're jealous that i don't love you anymore. just get over it!" he said. "fuck off, gabby" yulia said walking with me and evan to our class.

"scooby snacks! what's up?" i asked, "you know, trying not to get killed from a psycho killer" he said. "well just ask gabby, she wants me to be next. so if i don't see you in the next few days im probably dead" i joked. "eleanor that's not funny" yulia said.

"i'll see you later, ev" i kissed him goodbye. yulia and i headed to our first period class and sat in our regular seats. "i'm gonna use the bathroom before class starts i'll be back" i said rushing out. i walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

i stood there staring at myself not recognizing the girl who was in the mirror. things have changed so much, i don't understand how things got this bad.

i felt uneasy like somebody was staring at me through the stalls. "hello? is anybody in here?" i asked, i bent down looking down in every stall, but didn't see anything.

i was on my out, when one of the stalls creaked open, the person in the pilgrim mask appeared with an axe in his hand. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" i yelled, the man dropped his axe and walked towards me. "don't touch me!" i said.

he picked me up again and threw into the mirror. my head smashed into the mirror. glass shattered everywhere, "why are doing this?" i cried, "please stop" i said out of breathe.

i could feel blood dropping from my forehead. my head was hazy and my vision was blurry. before i knew it, my eyes were closed and the killer was out of sight.

ellie? where the fuck did you go?  class is almost over.
eleanor! pick up. i'm worried.

where are you?
yulia said you went to the bathroom and never came back?

eleanor? where are you?
evan and yulia are freaking out.
please call us we're worried about you.

"oh fuck" i said groggily, i sat up feeling my head. "oh my fucking, there are you! eleanor i was worried about you" yulia rushed over to me. "what happened?" she asked. "the killer was here, he attacked me. he had an axe but he didn't use it? he shoved it aside and just threw me around" i said so confused.

john carver just posted a photo!

i opened my phone and went to the post. it was a photo for me passed out in the bathroom. the caption read thanksgiving day, will be the end.

"what the fuck is that supposed to mean?" i asked, "lets get you out of here" she said helping me up. "oh my head" i said, yulia grabbed some paper towels and dabbed my head with warm water. "you should go to the nurse's office" she said. "no i can't" i said.

"ellie? what the fuck happened?" evan asked rushing over to me examining my head. " evan, please don't freak out" i began, "the killer attacked me in the bathroom, i've literally been unconscious for first period" i said. "what the fuck?" he said.

yulia glared at gabby, "i didn't do this!" she said, "but you fucking wished ellie would die first! you bitch!" yulia shouted. "yulia, please it's fine" i sighed. "can you just take me home? please" i said.

"yeah come on" he said wrapping his arm around, "yo, evan you coming to practice?" scuba asked, "oh fuck! i forgot" he said, "it's okay to. i'll be okay" i said, "don't be silly. tell coach i'll be 10 minutes late, i have to drive ellie home" he explained to scuba. "what happened, ellie?" scuba asked. "the killer attacked me" i said.

"ellie! wait up im coming with you" yulia said, "noo you dont have to" i said, "evan you really can't miss practice" scuba said. "here yulia take my keys, take ellie to her house" scuba said. "i'll come over practice okay?" evan said. "okay" i smiled softly. "have a nice practice" i said.

yulia helped me into the jeep and drove off to my house. "thank you for coming with me" i said, "of course, i can't believe fucking gabby" yulia scoffed, "maybe it's just a coincidence?" i questioned.

"i want to believe more than anything. but ever since you and evan she's been iffy" she said. "i can't think about it right now. my fucking head is throbbing" i said.

"come on we're here" she said, i got out of the jeep and walked into my house. "honey? you're home school early?" my mom asked from the other room. "she's never home? now all the sudden she is" i sighed.

"uh hey mom! i had accident so they sent me home early. but don't worry im okay" i said, "what happened, my love?" she asked looking at my face. "gym" i replied, "somebody hit me in the face with a volleyball...really hard" i replied.

"oh, here put some ice on it" she said going into the kitchen getting an ice pack. "thanks, mom" i said. "yulia sweetie good to see you" she said, "nice to see you to, lizzie" she smiled.

"you can go back to school if you want" i said, "no way! i'm staying here" she said, "why did the coach make the boys do practice second period? isn't it usually at the end of the day?" i asked. "yeah it is, the boys missed practice the other day and second period is their study hall. so i guess they were just making it up" yulia explained.

"here take some advil" my mom said, "thank you" i said taking the pills from her. "are you girls hungry? i can make you something" she offered. "maybe later, mama. i need some rest my head is pounding" i said.

author's note!

next chapter will be a continuation to this :)

hope you enjoy!
thank you for reading 🤍

young forever; evan fletcherWhere stories live. Discover now