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today is going to be a good day.

i got up early like i normally do and got ready for the school day. i picked out some black ripped jeans, a random hoodie, and my black/white converse. of course, topping the outfit off with evan's letterman jacket.

" hey honey! breakfast is on the counter for you, i gotta head to work. bye love you!" my mom said rushing out. "love you too...i guess" i said softy. i grabbed my things and walked downstairs. she made my favorite french toast and waffles.

good morning, beautiful girl.
i'm outside ❤️
okay my love. i'm coming now!

i quickly washed my dishes and locked the door behind me. "hey!" i smiled jumping to the window, "good morning, smiley" evan laughed. "there's are for you" he said handing me beautiful purple roses. "you didn't!" i said excitedly.

"i can never find purple roses anywhere" i said, "i know people that know the good spots" he joked. "i love them and i love you!" i said kissing his face all over. "wait there's more!" he said, "iced caramel latte and cinnamon roll, for my favorite girl" he smiled.

"ev! you didn't have to do all this. i should be giving you gifts it's your game day" i chucked. "hey, you gave me the greatest gift i could ask for, you" he said. "come on let's go to school" i said. evan sped off, love evan but his fucking driving is nuts! if the killer doesn't kill us, his driving definitely will.

"oh thank god we made it in one piece" i said, "my driving is not that bad!" he laughed, "ehh, it kinda sucks" i laughed. i grabbed my treats and we walked into the school together.

"well someone is smiley!" yulia said, "i have the best boyfriend! he got me purple roses, coffee, and cinnamon roll" i smiled. "you look hot in my jacket" evan said, "oh stop!" i said hiding my face, "stop you look so cute! yulia take a picture of us" evan said handing her his phone.

we took one, hugging next to each other, and another with me on his back. "these are so cute!" she said. "come on, yules we have english" i said, "see you guys later!" i said.

"do you think evan would cheat on me?" i asked randomly, "girl please. he literally left gabby for you!" she said, "but that doesn't mean she doesn't have an affect on him" i sighed. "guess what! there's a party tomorrow and we're going!" she beamed.

"i don't think a party is the safest thing right now" i said, "oh come on, please. i'm so tired of everything going on i just need a break from it all" she said. "where's the party?" i asked, "some guy from the football team, i think his name is ethan" she said.

"okay okay fine. we'll go but only for a little bit" i said, "yaya! thank you thank you" she said squeezing me. we made it to english and unfortunately had to present our papers on the book we will currently reading.

"god thank god that's over, i have science i'll see you later" yulia said walking off and i walked off to math. the day was good or at least i thought so.

"it's game day baby! WOO!" evan yelled excitedly, "i'm so excited! first official game as your girlfriend" i smiled. "i have to go change, i love you" he said kissing me goodbye. scuba and evan ran off to the locker room. yulia, gabby, jesscia, and i decided to find a spot on the bleachers to watch the game.

young forever; evan fletcherWhere stories live. Discover now