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i stretched my arms and legs, not realizing evan was still in my bed. "ow fuck!" he said falling off the bed. "oh shit i'm so sorry" i said in between fits of laughter. "oh think that was funny?" he asked playfully, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at me.

"hey!" i said throwing a pillow back at him, "you're so on!" he said. "pillow fight!" i yelled, i got on top of the bed and we started our pillows at each other. i jumped back down, plopping on the bed next to evan.

i just stared at him, memorized by his beautiful brown eyes. "what? is there something on my face?" he smirked, "no, you're just a beautiful human" i smiled kissing him passionately. "not as beautiful as you" he smiled.

"come on! i'll make us breakfast" i said grabbing his hand. we walked to the kitchen and grabbed the important ingredients for homemade chocolate chip muffins and pancakes. "yummy" he smiled, "you sit i bake" i said.

"no no i want to help" he said hugging my waist from behind, "fine fine" i said telling him how to make the pancakes. i got started on the muffins. "so you and ryan had fun yesterday?" he asked, "it's not like that, you know?" i said. "i trust you. i know" he assured.

"it was fun, i guess. we played a few practice games of soccer and my knee was actually good! i think i could start playing for senior year!" i beamed, "babe! that's amazing!" he smiled.

"will come to my games?" i asked, "do you even have to ask that? i'll be your biggest cheerleader" he said. "will you wear a mini skirt for me?" i smirked, "uhh no, i don't think so, but you can wear one for me" he smirked back. "evan!" i said tapping him on the back of his head.

"okay let's get this baking" i said placing the muffins in the oven and placing the pancakes on the stove. "is this what normalcy feels like?" i asked, "once that john carver dude is out of our lives, it will be like this everyday. i promise" evan said kissing my head.

incoming message
can we come over?
sure :) i'm baking treats <3
how's the sleepover 😏

"jessica is gonna come over" i smiled, "why?" he asked annoyed, "i don't know, she asked if she could? i didn't think it would be a problem" i replied. "it's not. i just feel like we never spend alone time" he said.

"i'm sorry. i can tell her not to come" i said, "no no it's okay" he smiled. "honey! i'm home" my mom called out, "in the kitchen!" i said, "hey hun, oh hey evan" my mom smiled at him. "hey ms. garcia" he said, "oh please call me lizzie!" she replied.

"are you guys hungry? i can make lunch or something" she offered, "sure mom, lunch sounds great" i said. "great you guys want anything specifically?" she asked, "pizza sounds good" i said, evan agreed. "okay pizza it is. i'll order it in a bit" she smiled heading upstairs, probably to shower.

"your mom is cool" evan said, "she is pretty cool. just wish she was home more often" i said sadly. "knock! knock!" jessica said opening the front door, along with bobby, scuba and yulia.

"hey guys" i smiled, putting the pancakes onto the tray and taking out the muffins to let them cool off. "hey jess, scuba, yulia. nice to see you guys again" my mom smiled coming down the stairs. "here's some money, order the pizza when you guys get hungry" she said going back up to her room.

"what are you guys doing here?" i asked, "are we to catch the fucking killer? you know, since he's basically after me? i've been targeted for 2 attacks already!" i said. "don't worry im coming up with a plan, okay?" jessica said.

"i'll believe it, when i see it" i scoffed, i walked over to the couch going onto instagram. just looking through photos people have been posting. one caught my eye though, it was from the party.

evan and gabby. they were in the corner of the room, she was close to him too close. like they were going to kiss? what the fuck is happening right now. i checked the timestamp, it was only minutes after the attack on me. so when i was being attacked, evan was kissing gabby?

"evan what the fuck!" i said rushing into the kitchen showing my phone in his face, "eleanor wait!" he said, "fuck you, get the fuck out of my house! and stay the fuck away from me!" i shouted. "eleanor please it's not what it looks like" he said.

"i can't fucking stand you" i cried, "baby please... you don't mean it" he said, "i can't believe i trusted you" i sobbed. "eleanor" yulia said hugging me. "did they kiss?" i cried looking at her. she's my best friend, she can't lie to me.

she looked between evan and me, "...yes" she said softy, my heart nearly shattered. "but it was gabby! evan pushed her off. i swear on my life" she said. "you have to believe me" he pleaded.

"did you like it?" i asked, "what! of course not. eleanor i only want you, i only need you!" he said. "i'm sorry" i said. "gabby has been off hinged lately, she's nice one day, bitch another" yulia said rolling her eyes.

"she saved me though" i said, "probably because ashe felt bad. i bet you any money she'll use it as an excuse when you confront her for kissing your man" yulia scoffed. "enough is enough. yulia let's go im giving that bitch a piece of my mind once and for all" i said.

i walked over to the closet picking up a box, that already had gabby's things in it. everything she felt at my house or gave me as presents. if she wants to be this way, then fine so be it. but i'm done with it.

"let's go, yulia" i said carrying the box. we walked over to gabby's place, which really wasn't that far maybe 10 minutes. yulia and i stormed the streets. "ellie! wait up!" evan, scuba, and the others chased after us.

"are you sure you want to do this?" he asked. "i'm done with gabby. she promised no more drama. she promised it was okay" i said.

"GABBY!" i yelled banging on her door, "i know you're home!" "OPEN UP!" i yelled. "eleanor? what the hell are you doing here?" she asked opening the door. "you are such a bitch" i said. "what did i do?" she asked innocently.

"you know exactly what you did" i said, "here's all the stupid shit you got me" i said throwing a picture frame at her. "are you fucking nuts?" she asked coming close to me. "fuck you" i said pushing her.

"are you mad because your boyfriend kissed me?" she smirked, "gabby, that didn't happen, shut up!" evan said. "fuck you!" i said punching her. "get off of me!"
she cried. "guys stop!" "stop!" jessica said getting me off her.

"this friendship is officially over. you're dead to me" i said walking off.

author's note
i've been binge watching degrassi 😭
so i've been getting inspired for the drama 🤦🏼‍♀️

**next chapter will be a continuation to this!**

young forever; evan fletcherWhere stories live. Discover now