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"happy birthday, ellie!" my mom smiled coming in my room with a candle and cupcake. "make a wish!" i closed my eyes and blew out the candle. "thank you, mom!" i smiled giving her a hug. "i love you, baby. have a great day" she said kissing my head. "thank you!" i said.

i finished getting ready for the day and made evan's game basket. i was so excited to give it to him. i decided to not to go to the sheriff's office and i texted evan to pick me up instead.

i grabbed my things and his basket hearing his beep from outside. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" he screamed with a giant teddy bear, banquet roses, and his own basket of my favorite things. "EVAN!" i smiled, "i love it so much" i said kissing him.

"is this for me?" he asked, "yes! for your game day" i smiled, "you're the best, thank you" he smiled. "do you wanna put these water and put everything in your room?" he asked. "sure! i'll be right back" i said handing him his basket.

i dropped the things in my room and placed the roses in water. "why didn't you go see the sheriff anymore?" evan asked, "because it's stupid. ryan came by last night and told me that the sheriff was my dad? how the hell does that make sense" i scoffed.

"don't you think you should've went to make sure?" he asked, "no! please let's just drop it for now and have a good day" i smiled. "fine, fine" he said putting his hands up in defense. "both hands on the wheel!" i yelled.

"i planned out a lovely evening for us. so make sure you dress nice tonight" he smirked, "what tricks do you have under your sleeve?" i asked raising an eyebrow at him. "you'll see. you'll love it" he said quickly kissing my cheek.

we pulled in the parking lot and got out. we walked hand in and hand through the halls. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" yulia cheered with balloons and gift bag. "thank you, yules!" i said giving her a big hug. "open your gift!" she said excitedly. "aw! yules.." i said opening the box.

it was a locket necklace that had a picture of us from the year we first met and now. "it's perfect! i love it" i smiled. "ellie!" ryan called out, "back off, baker. not today" evan said stepping in front of him.

"i just want to say happy birthday" he said putting his hands up, "thanks..ryan.." i said, "happy birthday ell!" scuba said, "thank you, scooby" i said. "i'll see you gius in history!" i said to evan and scuba. yulia and i went to class.

"so what are your plans today?" she asked, "evan said that we're going  out. im so excited, he said to dress nice so im guessing wherever fancy" i smiled. "aw look at you living the life" she smiled. "i'm so happy that things worked out!" she cheered. "me too!" i smiled.

"okay everyone let's get started!" the teacher said going over the notes for today's class. the bell rang and it was time for our next class.

"good morning, beautiful!" jess smiled handing me a cup of coffee, "caramel macchiato extra caramel" she smiled, "thank you!" i said hugging her. "jess can i talk to you?" i asked, "is this about what ryan told you?" she asked. "yeah, it is" i replied, "is it true? sheriff newlon's my dad?" i whispered.

she looked at me and just nodded her head, 'yes.' "oh my god" i said, "ellie!" she said, "no! just forget it. i don't wanna talk about it anymore" i said walking off to my next class.

"happy birthday! ellie!" gabby said, "why are you talking to to me?" i asked, "ellie" she said, "back off gabby. did the words you're dead to me go through your head?" i scoffed. "bit harsh, ell" jess said going after gabby.

young forever; evan fletcherWhere stories live. Discover now