~ 3 (pt. 2)

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"girls!" my mom called out, "what time is it?" i asked rubbing my eyes, "4pm you fell asleep, i didn't wanna wake you" yulia said. "your mom called us down, come on" she said.

"what's up, mom?" i asked walking downstairs, "your friends are here" she said. evan, scuba, gabby, jessica, and surprisingly bobby was here too. "should i make dinner for everyone?" my mom asked. "oh um, sure?" i said.

"what are all of you guys doing here?" i asked, jesscia nudged gabby. "i'm sorry...i didn't know the killer was actually gonna come after you" she said. "cause that's so comforting" i scoffed.

"gabby. i know you're mad and i get it. but i almost died today. do you understand how scary it was? i was alone, bleeding, being thrown into sinks and mirrors" i said tearing up.

"eleanor, i really am sorry. i'll stop the drama, okay?" she said, "if i die, i don't want our last conversation to be a fight about a boy or how i'm a shitty friend. i love you gabs, im sorry" i said giving her a hug.

"everyone dinner is ready!" my mom said. "how's your head doing, honey?" she asked, "it's fine, i guess" i replied seating at the table. evan sat next to me and jessica sat on the other side. "so anything new happening?" she asked.

"evan and i are dating" i smiled, "oh really! that's great" she smiled, "jessica how about you?" she asked, "oh ryan and i are seeing each other" she smiled, "awh that's cute! ellie remember when you and ryan made that pact in second grade. it was the cutest" she laughed.

"yeah i remember" i smiled, "and yulia, i heard you and scuba have been seeing each other" she smiled, "and you gabby?" she asked, "well things gotten rough, but i'll be okay" she said. "you guys finish eating, i'll clear out" she said getting up.

"thank you, mrs. garcia!" everybody said, "let's go to my room" i said and everybody followed. "do you know what the killer looked like?" jessica said, "no he was wearing a mask the whole time. pilgrim mask. but he was strong, he threw me around like i was a rag doll" i said.

"listen bobby and i did some digging. ryan knew the security guard doug" jessica said showing us a photo of ryan dabbing up doug. "that's his roommate, he sells addy's sometimes" i said, "how do you know that?" evan asked. "uh i got some off him last year when i was cramming for the SATs" i said.

"ellie! that's so dangerous" he said, "yes i know! it was only that time" i said. "anyways not the point. the point is ryan was probably selling doug some" i explained. "i mean it could be, but we shouldn't rule him out yet" jessica said.

"okay? so main suspect is ryan? your boyfriend?" i asked, "what about, gabby?" i asked, "she's the one who literally wished i got killed next and then all of the sudden same day i'm attacked in the bathroom? it's fishy " i said. "it wasn't gabby" evan said, "because i know her and she wouldn't do something like this" he said.

"you know what, im getting really tired of this. evan you are my boyfriend, but you seem to always take gabby's side still? i'm just confused. do you even want to be with me?" i asked, "of course, i do!" he said. "guys we should go" jessica said, "yulia i'll see you in the morning" i said hugging her. "bye ellie" she said.

"don't forget my game's tomorrow!" evan said, "yes i know i'll be there, don't worry" i smiled. "do you wanna stay for a bit? just hangout me and you" i said. "of course" he said. everyone else was starting to head home anyways, since it was a school day. "see you guys, tomorrow!" i said.

"come in" i said dragging him to my bed, "what movie did you wanna watch?" he asked. "well..." i began and started kissing him, "i was thinking no movie, just a little make out time" i said reconnecting our lips.

"ellie" he said, "what? what's wrong?" i asked getting off him, "i don't think we should do this right now. not with everything happening" he said sitting up. "oh i'm sorry" i said embarrassed, "i just don't think we should be rushing into anything, you know?" he said.

"you know, i'm actually tired. i'll see you tomorrow" i said, "ellie, im sorry if i hurt you feelings" he said, "no you didn't. i'm not thinking straight with my head and all. i'll see you at the game" i said. "i can pick you up in the morning" he said, "no that's fine. i'll meet you at school" i said.

"el, don't be like this. i'm sorry! i'll be better i promise i'm just stressed out" he said, "evan, i love you. but im so tired of feeling second to gabby. she's not your girlfriend anymore, i am!" i said annoyed and hurt. "i promise, i'll be better" he said kissing my forehead.

"get some rest. i'll be here first thing in the morning with gifts!" he smiled, "wear my jacket tomorrow, all the players girlfriends do" he took off his letterman jacket, leaving it on my chair.

"i love you, goodnight" i said, "goodnight " he said leaving my room.

young forever; evan fletcherWhere stories live. Discover now