Chapter 8

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I opened the door.. And I saw.. Those five amazing idiots! They're two days early!

"CAITLIN!!!!!!!!! COME HERE!!!" I yelled through the apartment. She ran from her room and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw five guys standing outside our door.

"BOYS!" She screamed. I let them come in and they sat around the living area. I went to get drinks when I felt a pair of arms go around my waist. I smelt vanilla in the air.

"I missed you love" Zayn said. I giggled. What?! I did not giggle! What this boy does to me.

"I missed you to." I said turning around, getting cups.

"So I didn't know that we were an old lady? Care to share." Louis said as we came back into the room.

"There this annoying old lady who likes to tell on us for little things. We almost got kicked out the other day for loud music, that I could understand but I was vacuuming. CLEANING!" Everyone was in laughter. Soon I was laughing along with Caitlin.

"What music?" Harry asked, "One Direction" Caitlin answered blushing.

We all sat around doing nothing and talking about their tour and our boring lives. I noticed Caitlin and Harry were missing. I got up from my spot and looked around. I went to the bedrooms and knocked.

"Cait? Harry?" I knocked on her door. I heard talking from inside.

"YES!" She screamed. "I'd love to Harry." She added. They walked out of the room and I gave her a questioning look. Caitlin mouthed 'date' and I jumped up and down. YAY!

"Is that what he wanted to ask you?" I asked her. She nodded and went back to the living area. Caitlin had a smile as big as the Hudson River.

All of us were watching some show when I got bored. No one noticed me getting up and walking except Zayn. I wanted to have a little fun with these boys. I went to my room and got a shower cap and string. I have a shower cap for when I straighten my hair. Don't judge! Please. I took the two things with me and went into the kitchen. I grabbed some food products like whip cream, ketchup etc. I then went back into my room, climbed in the attic drilled a hole in a wall and then I left the attic went across the hall and drilled another hole. I put the rope through the holes. The shower cap was filled with stuff and was in the middle of the rope. I can't explain how this will work, but my cousin did this to my grandpa a few years ago. Mean but freaking funny! It's right above the door of the bath room so yeah.

I walked back in and took my spot, acting like nothing happened. Zayn got up to use the bathroom. I let out a laugh when he got up. When he was far enough away, I laughed so hard. The boys and Caitlin gave me weird looks. I told them that I set up a prank for one of them, I didn't know who it would be. Also how there's so much nasty things in the cap! We were all laughing.

"WHAT THE HELL?! MY HAIR!!" Zayn screamed, which caused me to laugh even more!

"SAM!! DID YOU DO THIS?" He yelled while walking into the room. I bite my lip to hold back the laughter, but couldn't contain it. The others were laughing just as much. Zayn looked horrible! It looks like he slept in a gutter from a house! Zayn walked over to me with a cheeky grin. Oh no.

"Zayn! You don't want to do this! Stay away from me!!" I say backing away from him.

"I'm not gunna do anything. Calm down love. I forgive you. Hug?" He asked. He was now standing right in front me. I tried running, but he caught my waist.

"ZAYNN! YOU SMELL!!!" I laughed. Zayn just got covered in the food, but he reeked!

"Wonder who's fault that was." Louis muttered.

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