Chapter 1.

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This is going to be so awesome. Finally my mother is allowing me to go camping with Jamie and my other friends Laura and Kyle. My mother has always been so strict with me but now she finally lowered her walls. My mother does not know that Jamie and I are actually more than friends...but. I am not telling her now even though i was gonna cause she will change her mind.

Being my mothers eldest daughter, she always has high expectations from me, and was the hardest on. I am the eldest of 4 children so i am expected to make the example. I can't control my excitement at all.

I walk down the long crimson hallway making my way to the staircase with my bags and a huge ear to ear smile. My siblings shoot me a annoyed glare but i don't give a flying fish. My mother gives me a death stare as i walk down the stairs with my father right by her side. The sight of my mother made my drop my jolly expression.

The door bell rang a tone you would hear in a horror movie.

When my brother opened the door i see my best friend Laura standing there with a red and black check skirt and a black tank top that barely comes to her belly button. She tied her look up with black and white chuck taylors and open hair, allowing her redish brown hair to spill all over her shoulders.

Her outfit matched mine in a way. I was wearing a navy shorts with a black see through top and a matching pair of black and white chuck taylors. My hair fell losse behind me. When she stepped into the front door she greeted my mother and father then turned to hug me.

When she broke our hug her crystal blue eyes met with my rain grey ones as she flashes me a sinister smirk. I knew what she was trying to say so i just winked. I hugged my parents and said bye to my siblings, not like those ungrateful brats even said bye to me.

I hoped into the passenger seat in Laura's ruby red BMW. Laura and i had bought ours cars together, both BMW M4's just that mine is matte blue. I wanted to take my car but she insisted that she wants to drive so she wants to take her car.

As if i wouldn't let her drive my car.

So we made a small stop at Jaime's house and picked him and Kyle up. They both sat in the backseat as i enjoyed being passenger princess in my besties car.

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