Chapter 6

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Back at the tents. They all were sitting around the fire and telling stories, but we all know better than to tell Laura a scary story now at night cause she wont sleep and keep all of us up with her cause she is scared. As we were talking i seen someone or something run past the tree.

"Wait. Shut up guys, what was that?" My eyes scanning the area where i saw this thing run. All i could see was darkness, in the pitch black we heard a crack sound. That made us all freeze in place.

"Is someone there?" I held up the flashlight and scanned the area, while still standing by my chair around the fire.

"Kayla, you and Laura stay here. Jaime and I will go check it out." Kyle said with bravery in his voice. Jaime stood up and threw a arm around my shoulder and said "Don't worry, I'm sure its a squirrel or something."
I looked up at him and let out a shaky sigh.

"Ya Kayla, let them go see and you stay here with me." Laura said with a shaky voice. She is obviously scared.

Laura and I have known each other for as long as we can remeber. We have been friends since first grade. We went to high school and graduated together, we are also going to the same university, Oxford  University. Its always been our dream to stay best friends for life. According to our life so far looks like our dream will come true.

"Don't worry Laura, I'm here." I said putting a arm around her shoulder. I shot Jaime a becareful look. They grabbed two flashlights and Jaime gave me an assuring nod and he and Kyle went straight into the pitch black darkness.

Laura and I sat there in complete silence i could see the light from their flashlights getting smaller as they went further into the darkness. Then. The lights just went out and we heard Kyle scream. Shit what happened, are they okay? Why would the lights just go out? My heart stopped beating and my lungs wouldn't except the oxygen i was taking in. My chest got heavy and my pulse sky rocketed to the moon.

Panick flooded me and i couldn't breathe. My vision got blury and i could hear my heart beat in my ear.

"Oh my god! Kayla are you okay?"

"Yea. I'm fine."

"No, you not."

Not long after that we heard a crack sound again but closer this time. I stood up right and grabbed the baseball bat in my camping chair. We both held our flashlights in the direction of the noise. I locked my jaw and my breathing got heavy.

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