Chapter 2

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When we arrived at Hathaway camp grounds. I got this strange feeling in my gut a feeling like we should just turn the car around and get the hell out of there, but i bit back the urge to say anything. The sight of the woods as we approach the gates sent this weird chill down my spine.

I straightened my posture and sat up right in my seat. Starring out of the window i keep my eyes locked on a moving shadow in the trees, trying my best to try and make out what it is exactly. It looked like it was following the car as we came closer to the gates.

It was a tall dark figure that stood behind a long tree with falling leaves. I couldn't make out anything on this figure except that its tall. looked tall from my point of view. I read alot of werewolf and vampire books so i had somewhat excitement in me, maybe i would encounter a werewolf in this woods.

I snapped out if my thoughts as the car came to a halt in front of the large gate. I thought having a gate this big for a camp grounds was rather odd, again i bit back my urge to say anything.


"Hmm. Yea?"

"What are you day dreaming about? Jaime is back here." Laura said while rolling her eyes with a smirk.

"Hi yea, you lot." Said a man whose eyes where hidden under the enormous cap he was wearing. By the looks of his long beard i would say he was about in his mid 40's. He looked dirty as hell and wore these oversized rages that loosely hung over his body. He was really skinny and looked terrible.

"Hi there. I am Laura."

"My name is Frank." Of course it was.

"We are just headed toward the camp grounds near the waterfall."

"Oh yea? It's just down the path on the left, but stay away from the part of the woods where the oak tree stands."

"Why? I am Kayla by the way."

"Well nice to meet you Kayla." I gave him the fakest smile i could. "I say stay away from there cause all the folks that have went into that area have never come out."

"Okay. We wont, thank you." Laura said with obvious fright in her voice. She had always belived horror stories people told her. And thats why she doesn't watch horror movies at all. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

So he opened the gates and we headed down the path on the left. A little while into the path i see the road that goes toward the area of the large oak tree. The tree was massive and was the largest of all the trees in that woods. We came to a fork in the road and as she was about to head down the waterfall path i stoped her.

"Laura, why don't we just check out the oak tree?" She looked at me in horror.

"No! You heard what Frankie said."

"Oh! Come on. Dont tell me you belive his bullshit about people disappearing. Do you?"

"Ya! Come on baby lets go there. Also its quieter." Kyle said from the backseat while wrapping his arms around her seat to hold her. Jaime also seemed to agree.

She looked at us all with disbelieve." Okay fine."

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