Chapter 17

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The sounds were not so far from our camp. So we all took flashlights and split up to check out what is that terrible sound. The sun was setting so we had to get back to camp quickly. We all took walkie talkies that we were playing with earlier. The sky got a dark red with a cloud of thick black smoke.

The sound got louder and louder as i approached the oak tree. I hid behind one of the trees to stay out of sight. JACKSON? He wore a black tracksuit and dirty black shoes that was covered in mud. His hands were covered in mud and...blood. His glasses were fogging up due to the smoke, so he took them of and threw them aside.

There was a man lying on the floor with a head injury and blood coming out of his forehead, nose and mouth. There was a huge bonfire right in front of the tree. The thick smoke was painting the tree black. On the other side of the fire was a women tied up. Her hair was all over her face and she wore small shorts and a tank top. Her dark hair covered her face so i couldn't see her face.

Her hands were tied at the back of her and her wrists were bleeding. She looked like she had been stabbed in her leg multiple times as blood was spilling from different areas on her legs. I narrowed my eyes to try and see whats in the fire and i froze when i realised what it was that was burning. A girl.

She was lying on the ground buring alive. Her hand stuck out of the bon fire thats how i made out that whats in the fire. She turned her head and i looked at her in the eye, watching her burn. I watched as the flame ate her flesh and devoured her slowly. The women that was tied up was crying loud. Then Jackson left whatever he was doing and turned to her.

He came close to her and cupped her face in his big hands and kissed her lips. Then he grabbed her hair forcing her to look at him.

"This is what you get for not looking pretty, like Lisa." His voice was deep and angry. What did he mean not like Lisa? He started laughing when she started to cry again.

"P-please l-let me g-go." Her voice was shaky and she was crying hysterically.

"Oh no. No. You will die like your sister in there." He started laughing again loud and psychotic.

He turned his attention back to the man lying there trying to get up.

"Where do you think you are going?"

He took out a golf club and hit the man on his bare back. The man wore nothing but cargo shorts and sneakers. He pulled the mans hair and bent down to his ear.

"Die like your friend in there." It seems like he burnt two people in the fire. I could feel stomach crawl up my throat wanting to jump out of my body. I felt so sick i wanted to faint.

"Let's play a game-" Jackson said with a psychotic smile and a chuckel.

"Lets play..hide and seek." He started laughing again. Louder this time. He bent down and untied the girl then did the same for the man. I looked down and noticed that he had set up bear traps in a big circle out of sight around the area of the tree.

"I will count first and you guys go hide." He said so calmly.

"Hurry. You have thirty seconds." He turned his back and started counting. The couple stumbled on their feet and as they were about to run their legs got clamped in a bear trap. They both cried out in pain. The sight of their tourture made my legs go like jelly.

"Nineteen, twenty..." Jackson just kept counting despite their cries in pain.

"Twenty nine, thirty. Ready or not here i come." His voice was dark and evil. He turned around and burst out in laughter. He sat down and crossed his legs next to the couple.

"Oh and watch out for the traps." He wore his signature psychotic smile. And started laughing again. He grabbed both of the very thin people and dragged them with the trap back to the place he had them tied. The way he dragged them, it looked like if he pulled harder their legs might rip off.

He opened the trap and pulled the man out and threw him aside and tied up the women again. He then tied the man and made him sit up right. Then he took out this large bottle of liquid and poured it onto the women while she screamed out. He cupped her face again and stared into her eyes.

"Go on. Scream as loud as you want, nobody can hear you." He pulled out a knife and carved 4 line marks onto the tree. Then he grabbed her hair and pulled her up.

"I gave you a chance to leave but, you got stuck." He smiled at her and kissed her lips. Then without a second thought he pushed her soaked body into the fire. She screamed in agony. Stretching out her arms begging for help. Not long afterwards she collapsed and he stabbed the man in his chest and soaked him up with the liquid and threw him in before disappearing behind the tree.

The sight of these people buring, their flesh melting made my heart race and i began to back up when i fell over a log and made a noise. I felt arms wrap around me, pull me up and cover my mouth.

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