Chapter 8

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The next day. We all woke up to Jaime cooking bacon. Smelt so damn good. We brushed our teeth and had breakfast. I took a look at Kyle's leg and it looked as like it's starting to heal. That oitment works fast. He insisted that he can walk, so we ventured a bit further into the woods until we became lost.

We had wondered a bit to far and lost the path back. Panic ramaged through my body what if we don't make it out of here. Is this what Frank was talking about? My heart rate picked up and i started breathing heavily through my mouth.

"Kayla, are you ok?" Jaime asked with concern laced in his voice.

"Ya. I just need to sit down." I took a seat next to Kyle on a log and placed my head on his shoulder as he put a arm around me. From the corner of my eye i caught Laura staring at us. Weirdly. Anyway...Jaime said his gonna go and walk a bit just to see if he can find the path.

2 hours later...

He returned with a really tall man. This man looked about 6 feet tall, made entirely of muscle. His vest hugged his body tight and you could see the outline of his 6 pack abbs. His cargo pants hung loosely on his hips and covered his boots. He had dark brown hair and had deep blue eyes. He had a sharp jawline and light pink lips. Gosh. He looked fine as hell.

"Guys, this is Jason."

"Hello everyone." His voice was deep and dark. Almost hypnotic. Nah not almost...i was hypnotized.

"Afternoon, I am Kayla. This is Kyle and Laura." I said gesturing my hand towards them. His eyes met mine and his lips tilted up into a soft smile.

"Nice to meet you Kayla." He extended his hand out for a handshake. I reached out and shook his hand. His hands are so soft. I swear i felt like taking a nap in them. Jaime didn't seem to like the way Jason looked at me.

Clearing his throat Jaime spoke, " think you can redirect us?"

"Sure i can. I live here in these woods." Why does he live here. Thats weird right?

"You live here?" Confusion soaked into my question.

"Yes. I do with my brother Jackson." He lives with his brother. Cringe.

Jason took my hand in his and gestured for us to follow him. Jaime looked just as confused as the rest of us when this fine looking man took my hand to lead us back to the path. But without saying anything we followed him. As we went along i caught sight of the oak tree as i walked along side Jason with Jaime inches behind us and Kyle and Laura trailing along behind Jaime.

"Wanna check it out?" His voice laced with curiosity.

"Sure." He had clearly seen me stare at the tree up above us.

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