Chapter 18

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I was picked up and pushed aginst the tree my a strong force. The only person on my mind was Jackson. He heard me and he is going to kill me. To my surprise i opened my eyes to look at Jason. His hand was over my mouth and he placed a finger over his lips telling me to keep very quiet.

He took my hand and led me slowly away from the fire and Jackson. He took me into his cabin and locked the door behind him.

"Jason, what is going on?" I tried my best not to sound as terrified as i felt. My insides shock violently as he came closer to me. My heart pumped out of my chest and my breathing got heavy. My body was plunged into panic.

"Kayla? Are you okay?" His voice was soft and concerned. My vision got really blurry and my stomach was now in my mouth forcing me to open up. He took my hand and led me quickly to the bathroom, where i bent over and threw up my insides. Jason pulled back my hair as i continued to throw up. Jason left the bathroom and i could hear him in the kitchen.

Afterwards...i wobbled my way up and stood over the sink. Looking at myself in the mirror i was horrified. My hair was a mess and my skin was pale. Like i had just seen a ghost. My eyes were red due to all the smoke and my lips were dry. I opened the tap and gargled my mouth then headed out the bathroom door. Jason stood in the kitchen with a glass of juice in his hand.

"You okay?" His voice was still soft.

"How can i be?" After what i saw i don't think i will ever be the same. I have been scared for life.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." His sorry? Also why would he say it like that? Did he know what his brother does?

"Did you know what he does?" His eyes travelled to the ceiling then met the floor. He didn't want to look at me and give me an answer.


"I-i d-did." He knew about what his brother does. My heart sank to the pit of my stomach. Then my insides decide that they want to come back out. I bit my lip and swallowed hard pushing back what wants to come out. I stood in front of Jason in shock, then. I saw something that caught my eye.

Cable ties?

My eyes travelled from the cable ties to the stains on Jason's shirt. He had red stains on his shirt and his knuckles were red. His eyes were dark, and his breathing was heavy. Small things i am noticing now i didn't notice before when he brought me here. I looked around trying not to make it obvious. I met his eyes silently and he kept looking around.

Then i saw the same pair of glasses that Jackson had thrown on the far end of the kitchen counter. I froze in place wondering if Jackson will come home soon.

"Why does Jackson do this?" I said breaking the silence.

"Jackson has a mental disorder, he has been suffering from it since Lisa died." That information shocked me beyond repair.

"Jackson, became so agressive when she had died, that he had started killing people-"

"Killing people?"

"Brutally murdering them. Mainly girls that don't remind him of her." Flashbacks of my first encounter with Jackson when he called me Lisa. Will he kill me if he sees me or not?

"We need to get out of here." I said spinning around almost running when Jason caught my arm.

"Where are you going?" I looked at him in horror. As his grip tightened.

"I have to get my friends out of here."

"Why?" Did he seriously ask me why?

"Why? Oh i don't know. Maybe the fear of being burnt to death."

"Jackson wouldn't dare touch you." His eyes went darker and his voice deeper.

"Why? What about my friends?" My voice was now faint and i felt like crying.

"Don't worry you will be fine." I am not worried about myself. I would gladly die for Laura and the guys.

"I have to go." I locked eyes with him and he got closer to me. Way to close. I started to back up but he kept coming closer and closer to me.

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