Chapter 10

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"Whats your brothers name?"

"Jackson. His my identical twin." Damn. An identical twin. I would love to see him.


Jaime and the others came to find us both sitting and chatting away. When Jaime walked up to me he shot me a unimpressed look of disappointment. What did i do?

Anyway. We carried on walking this time with Jason leading the way and Jaime by my side. Jaime hasn't said anything to me the whole time. I think his mad that this fine stranger held my hand. I think his jealous.

I interlocked my arm in his as we crunched the leaves and walked along toward the oak tree. When we came up to the tree i got this very eerie feeling like i was being watched. Jaime knows how i am feeling. I squeezed his arm a little and he held me closer.

The tree stood tall and was the center of the woods. It was the only tree with branches booming with yellow and green leaves. The tree was massive and wide. Thick branches extended from the top of the tree giving it a eerie look. Creepiest tree i have ever seen.

When i got closer to the tree there was strange markings on it. Almost looked like someone was learning to count and carved tally marks into the tree. The center of the writting had,

Jason♡ Lisa 4 lyf.

Then underneath it, it had a date. Her death day.

R.I.P Lisa

Oh my god thats my birthday.

I went closer to Jason and stood beside him. He leaned and touched the date and spoke softly.

"We were only married 5 months." Holy crap. He was married to her.

"Oh. I'm really sorry about what happened."

"Don't be. I guess it was fate telling me that, we shouldn't be together." He scoffed and shrugged his shoulders. He turned his gaze to meet mine. His eyes staring and the edge of my jawline traveling up toward my lips then finally met my eyes.

"Big tree." Laura broke his gaze and snapped us both out of our staring contest. Hitting us with the reality that we are not alone. Why do i want to be alone with him?

When i looked in her direction, Jaime was engaged in a conversation with Kyle. Good. So that means he didn't notice what just happened.

"Yea. It is, isn't it?" He said turning to look at her. She narrowed her eyes at him as she studied his figure with careful attention. His lips curved into a smirk as he watched her size him up.

" is." She said with a blunt stare and a grim voice. He turned back to me, watching as i walked curiously around the large tree. Trailing my soft palm on the rough bark. His eyes buring holes into me. I felt the heat of his stare and turned to look at him. Gosh, this mans eyes.

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