Chapter 11

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After we had taken a few pictures by the tree Jason has shown us the path back to our camp sight. His eyes stayed locked on mine as i slowly backed away from him and hurried along to catch up with my friends.

"Well, that guy was weird." Laura said rolling her eyes. 

Its starting to get dark. The sight of the sun dipping below the moutain and disappearing into the trees as its orange glow creeps between the trees. The sunset made the sky turn pink. We passed the waterfall on our way back.

The waterfall mimicked the skys beautiful reflection as the water turned a pink colour. The water glittered and the calm sounds of the water was realxing. The sight of the pink coloured water falling in a blue fog at the bottom of the waterfall as it fills the pool where we swam. Was something unique and i feel so lucky to have seen something like that.

The next day. We all woke up and washed up, we were going to make brekkie when Jason showed up. Jaime said nothing to me about my encounter with Jason yesterday. Strange. Jaime's fist curled and his jaw locked at the words that spilled from Jason's mouth.

"Would you guys like to come over to our cabin for breakfast?" Jaime was not impressed.

"I don't see why not." Kyle seemed to be involved with the idea of having breakfast at some strangers house/cabin, whatever.

"Ya. Lets go guys." Laura just wants to do what Kyle wants.

"Okay. Thats two down, Kayla?" Jasons dark eyes met mine. His smile sent a shiver down my spine, he took a step forward taking my hands in his. From the corner of my eye i caught the sight of my friends staring confused at the sight of Jason and I. Even i looked at him in confusion. He winked at me.

"Okay. Fine, lets go." Jaime shot me a look of disbelief and shock as he was out numbered by his decision to stay and make breakfast ourselves.

I walked ahead with Jason at my side. And the others trailing behind. I could hear the sounds of their footsteps after ours. I kept turning around to catch a glimpse of Jaime. Every time i did the three of them would be engaged in a conversation that seemed serious. Jason kept talking to me, telling me about his past and what kind of a person Lisa was.

"-yea...the last time i had seen her, we were all playing hide and seek." Did he just say 'hide and seek'?

"Hide and seek?"

"Yea. Its crazy to play it our here. Cause there a loads of places to hide-"

"Hmm...yea." I nodded like i cared about playing a kids game out here.

"-and its easy to get lost." His words stopped me in my tracks making my body freeze. Why did he have to say it like that. So scarily.

"Something wrong Kayla?" His voice was deep and...demanding an answer.

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