Chapter 5

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"Laura. Your ship is way passed the docking bay." I tried my best not to laugh.

"Huh?" She gave me a confused look. Kinda like the same look i gave her ass as it stared at me when she got out of the water.

"The ship is in the harbour." I said, almost whispering.

"Oh shit!" She realized what i meant and i eyed her that the guys are laughing. So she turned her ass to them and slowly pulled it out.

After that we all decided to start a cook out. We started up the wood grill we brought and the guys began cooking the burgers and sausages. After we ate, we sat in a circle with our camping chairs and just let go of all our worries. We talked about our daily lives and frankly mine seemed to be the worst. It was definitely the most boring as i got prison wardens for parents.

As the sun began to set and night fall arrived the stars and the moon lit up the sky. The woods went dead silent and the song of nature stoped. There was this eerie silence that swept over the woods at night. It almost felt like a blanket of thick smoke was filling the air. It got really hard to even breathe. Its probably just my nerves and fear of the sleeping out in the open in the dark.

I took a long deep breath and with a sigh i looked up into the open sky. The dark blue sky was absolutely beautiful, stars filled the sky and surrounded the full moon. The moonlight crept between the trees making them look even larger. The sounds of owls creeped me out but i was comforted by Jaime. He is so sweet and is always there for me when i need him.

We then decided to roast marshmallows and i insisted in having my smore drowned in choclate. I love choclate...who doesn't? I think i over did it with the choclate though cause i had a major headache after that. I felt this burst of energy flood my body. I couldn't sit still and i kept talking i even fell over a log. The good lord only knows how i did that. It was finally time to go to bed and my mother called me. She face timed me and i went to sit in the car for better reception.

While sitting there i felt this sort of uneasiness, like i was being watched.

"Kayla, why are you so distracted?"

"Its nothing mom, its just that the service is not so good."

"Okay, well let me go. Have fun and behave yourself."

"Bye mom."

After she hung up i felt a bit better talking to my mother, it made me calm down a bit. I could hear Laura screaming and laughing from inside the car. So i locked the car and went back to the tent.

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