Chapter 4

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After we set up our tents Laura wanted to go for a walk to check out the scenery. So we left our tents and found a foot path that looks like it goes toward the waterfall. The woods was dead silent the only sounds was our comically loud laughing at all of Kyle's dirty gossip about his past girlfriends.

The further down the path we went the louder the sounds of the water became. The soothing sounds of the waterfall took all my worries and problems and flung them into the bush. It was so realaxing. The trees sang a calming song with the wind. The sounds of the leaves dancing high up in the branches made the birds sing even louder.

The path we were on had beautifully pink flowers. Jaime picked some and handed them to me. They smelt so sweet, almost tasty.

After a while of walking we came up the waterfall. The view took my breath away. The waterfall broke the sounds that filled the air, and the sun shone bright and made the water glitter with sparkles that i thought would blind me.

"Looks nice to swim in don't you think?" Kyle said with a mischievous grin.

" does bro." Jaime winked at me as he answered Kyle's question. I shot him a don't even think about it look.

The next thing we knew was the both of them pulling of their shirts then pants and diving into the water with a big splash.

"Me next!" Laura screamed as she ran past me in her red bikini and hopped into the water.

"Come on Kayla! Its nice." Jaime and Kyle screamed at me to join them. I stood for a couple of moments to think then removed my clothes and slowly walked in. The water was cool and refreshing and the glimmer made me want to cover my eyes. The water was not deep but it wasn't shallow either.

Jaime came close to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. His cold frosty lips on my watermelon flavor lip gloss felt so good after so long. I draped my arms around his neck as i deepened our kiss.

"HEY! Love birds, cut it out." Laura screamed and ruined our mood. Idiot.

"Laura. Why don't you go swim that side, and leave us alone." I added

"Uhm...NO! You know i get jealous when my brother-in-law gets too comfy with my bestie."

I raised a eyebrow. "Awah. You want my attention?"

She gave me a sarcastic smile. "Come on lets go. I am hungry." She is forever flippin hungry.

So the guys got out first then Laura then me. When Laura got out of the water she had the deepest wedgie i had ever seen. My eyes even went blur at the tought of how that must feel. So i came out of the water and pulled her aside while we changed. I caught a glimpse of the guys laughing their ass off at her wedgie. Kyle though seemed to enjoy the view.

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