Chapter 7

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The sight of Jaime helping Kyle stand shocked me. In a way i was really relieved that Jamie was okay, but what on earth happened to Kyle?

"What happened?"

"We don't know-" Jaime said with horror in his voice.

"What do you mean?"

"We were walking along then-"  Then? Then what? His constant beating around the bush and not telling us straight made my blood boil.


"Forget it. He fell." His voice laced with horror and fear.

Kyle's leg was cut open and i caught a glimpse of a small line of blood flow down his leg in the faint light of the fire. Kyle sat down in the chair and groaned in pain. I ran to the car and grabbed the first aid kit from the trunk.

I sat in front of Kyle and slowly pulled up his pant leg. Thank god his sweat pants was loose on him. His leg had a long deep cut from his knee down to his shin. It looks as if someone threw him down and chopped him. I slowly cleaned his wound while Jaime sat down in my chair and took a deep breath.

I looked up to meet his gaze and he gave me a painful yet thankful look. His green eyes glittering with the flames of the fire. I saw him grip the arm of the chair and bite his lip.

"Thank you Kayla."

"Anytime Kyle." I gave him a warm smile, and looked over at Jaime. He had his face buried in the plam of his hands. He slowly pushed the strands of hair from his face, and looked up at me. His green eyes growing dark as he stared at me. I felt his eyed burn hole into me with his heated gaze. At this point i knew something bad happened and they don't want to say.

Jaime helped Kyle into their tent and i sat down in ours on the comfy pillows. Jaime came in and zipped it closed.

"What happened out there? And spare me the bullshit." I said with a stern tone.

"Okay. I didn't wanna say anything in front of Laura, you know why." His eyes scanning the small tent. He can't look me in the eye. Why?

"Okay. Well Laura's not here now."

"Someone or something-" He sighed and paused for a couple of moments. His voice made goosebumps arise across my body. His tone was cold and horrified.

"-we heard something crack behind us, and when we turned to look something ran towards us pushing us down, and Kyle cut his leg the rock he fell on."

" didn't see what it was?"

"No, but it was definitely a person."

"How sure are you?"

He chuckled, "Very sure, I don't think that there is a big foot out here."

I snuggled up into his arms and closed my eyes taking in the warmth of his embrace.

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