Chapter 14

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"Kayla!" Jason?

Jaime turned to me and warned me with his eyes to stay in the tent. He then bolted out of the tent. I could hear him and Jason exchange cuss words as they argue. Why are they even argueing?

I stepped out of the tent and ran towards fuming Jamie, who looked like he was about to hit Jason.

"What is going on?" I am confused as hell at this point.

"How dare he handle you in that manner!" Jason sounded upset and angry. Why would Jason be so upset at how Jaime held me? I mean...i like Jaime rough. But not the point.

"Who are you to tell me how to handle my girlfriend?" Jaime is just adding on to this argument instead of just letting this go.

"A man should never disrespect a women." Why does Jason care about me? My confusion only grew as Jason tried to 'defend' me. With every word of their argument Laura seemed to have even more trouble keeping Kyle down.

Kyle is usually a calm person who enjoys being around the people closest to him. Both him and Jaime are not ones to just pick a fight. But. When it comes to matters of their friends and family they are the most relentless people you will ever know. I find it sexy with Jaime though. Anyway....

The only time they will actually argue and fight is if their really angry and i have only seen once what happens when they lose their temper. Poor Joshua, had to stay in hospital for 2 weeks. They hit him with baseball bats cause he touched me on my ass. Freaken perv.

"Jason, he didn't do anything." Lies. He actually physically hurt me. Jason pushed Jaime out of the way and slowly pulled out my arm. His rough hand rubbing my bruised skin gently. I liked it better when his hands were soft. His eyes locked on mine.

Before i knew it Jason slammed his fist into Jaime's jaw. Jaime tried to return the punch but was grabbed and pushed up against the tree. Kyle stood and tried to push Jason of Jaime. Jason dropped Jaime to the floor and punched Kyle in the gut and sent him flying to the ground. Laura and I stood there in shock.

Jason picked Jaime up again.

"Don't you ever even think of hurting her again, understand." Jasons voice was dark and deep. It was laced in anger, annoyance and hate. It was as if he despised Jaime, and wanted to murder him.

"Or what, big man?" Jaime asked, by adding fuel to the fire.

"Or i will break your neck." Jasons eyes were dark and locked onto Jaime's. I tried to break them up by sandwiching myself between these two powerful men. Jasons eyes met mine and he immediately let go of Jaime. He pulled me toward him and hugs me tight. What is happening? I took in the warmth of his embrace and looked up into his eyes. His eyes had so much anger and poison i had to look away.

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