Chapter 3

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She turned down the path on the right. I immediately felt my stomach churn and tell me to stop her from going to far, but i stoped myself from saying anything other than keep going. We found a good spot in the opening of a few trees.

When we stepped out of the car. I felt this gush of wind that hit me straight in the gut. Weirdest feeling ever. Anyway...

Before i could turn around i felt a pair of strong arms wrap themselves around me and before i knew it my back was against the car door. I looked up into a pair of beautifully green eyes that sent a jolt of electricity down my spine.

"I missed you-" Jaime said softly with a smirk.
"-missed holding you." His eyes boring into the depths of my freakin soul. My lips tilted up into a smile as i wrapped my arms around his neck.

Jaime went away to his grandparents house for 2 weeks while his parents went to Houston for his sisters, docters appointment. She had some type of rare blood disease or something like that.

I missed him to be honest. I loved it when we met up and just talked about the days dread. He made me feel so calm and so loved, and thats something that i missed at home. My mother's always on my case for everything and being the oldest means that i get blamed for every small thing.

My siblings walk out of the room scot free and i have to stay back to clean up the mess they create. I am 21 and my brothers are way younger than me. Max is 17 but acts like a flippen 4 year old. Then its Benjamin he is 15, he is fine at times..
Then the baby is Levi he is 12. Levi and Max are the messiest, and the most annoying people you will ever meet.

Being the only girl my mother and i bang heads for everything. We are always arguing about one thing or the other. Especially when i am on my period. Everything makes me angry. But thats beside the point, my mother loves her sons and my dad too. I think they forgot they had a daughter.

Despite my mother being so strict she only allows me to go straight to Laura's house then back home. And guess what? Laura lives opposite my house. So my mother acts like a peeping tom. And watches me cross the road and back. Thats why Laura is the only friend i stay over at.

"Earth to Kayla!" He said snapping his fingers.

"I missed you too." I said pulling him lower so that i can hug him comfortably. The feel of his arms around my waist was so comforting.

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