Chapter 15

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I woke up in a really bad mood. Not wanting to talk to or see anyone. I haven't spoke to Jaime after Jason left, but also i made Jaime sleep in the car. I was way too upset for him.

I brushed off as much of the day before as i could and started my day on a lonely walk. I didn't say a word to my sleeping friends. I just wanted to be alone. As i walk along the path i cant help but think about Jason. Why did he act that way yesterday? I pulled up my sleeve and seen i had a dark purple mark on my wrist and forearm from where Jaime had manhandled me.

My skin is sensitive so i bruise very easily. But i still can't get Jason out of my head. I should be thinking about Jaime not Jason. I shake my head and carry on walking until i came to the waterfall. I mean i don't know Jason at all. But him and Jaime are about the same built really big and scary. Same colour eyes, same size ego. But bottom line is Jason is a stranger. He doesn't know me.

But he felt like Jaime did something wrong to me. I had never seen Jaime act like that with me before. He was always so gentle. After waking a while i heard a crack in the bushes. Everything in me told me not to go near the noise but my legs for some reason decides to go forward.

As i got closer i seen something in the bush. Its a person. Jason? What the heck is Jason doing in the bush.

"Jason?" When the person turned around it was Jason. But he's wearing glasses and looks a bit off beat. He was laughing to himself. What the actual fu-

"Lisa?" His face lit up. He was so excited to see me. Did he just call me Lisa?

"Jason? No, I'm Kayla."

"Jason? No its me Lisa, Jackson." WOAH! Jackson? Jackson is a splitting image of Jason. Almost like looking in a mirror you would never have known the difference. But, why is he talking and laughing with himself in the bush? Of all places.

"Jackson?" My eyes widened and my lips parted slightly in shock. I didn't know what to say. I was in shock at the fact that Jason has a mirror image of himself.

"Yes-yes. Lisa, it's me." His smile grew psychotic and he began to come closer to me. With every step forward he takes i take one step back. I started to feel uncomfortable and began taking more than one step back.

"Where are you going Lisa? It's me Jackson."

"Jackson, i am not Lisa, my name is Kayla."

"You are lying-" His voice got louder.

"-You are LISA, not KAYLA!" He kept chanting "-You are Lisa." He kept coming closer and closer to me. Until my back was aginst the tree and i was sandwiched between him and the tree. Wait. This is the oak tree. How the heck did i come this far?

"JACKSON STOP! Get away from me." I pushed him back and ran in any random direction. To my surprise i ended up at Jason's cabin. He looked out of breath as he emerged from the trees.

"Kayla?" He wore loose grey shorts and a white vest that outlined his perfect muscular figure. He looked at me in confusion but also grinned at me. I wasn't that out of breath as i was a star runner back in high school. So i am quite fit to run. But it was evident according to my loud heavy breathing that i had been running.

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