Chapter 9

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He directed us past a few trees with almost all of their leaves gone. As we walked in the calm Autumn woods the leaves craked under our feet as we crunched our way toward the largest tree in the woods.

"So...what brings y'all here, during this time?" He asked with curiosity still lingering in his voice. He is still holding my hand.

"We needed a break from society."



"And you all are couples?"


Why do i feel like that question was just to find out if i am single. Like i know i look damn single cause of how dress.

"Okay, so how old are you? If you don't mind me asking." Okay....thats a bit personal for someone you just met don't you think.

"21, what about you? If you don't mind me asking."

He smirked at my question, "41, Little girl." Damn his 20 years older than me. And did he just call me 'little girl'?

"So, you live with your brother."

"Yea...his kind of a pain in the ass at times."

"Ya. I know that feeling, i got 3 brothers."

Jason is someone who just clicked with me. The way he talks to me is as if we have known each other for years. He is still holding my hand. As we approach the tree his grip on my hand gets a little tighter. Oh lord i am blushing. Why now? I wiggle my fingers a bit.

"Oh my, sorry i didn't notice i was holding your hand all this time." Sure you didn't.

"Oh, right..right. Me neither." I pulled my hand away from him gently. When i took my hand out of his grip, this anger arouse slightly in his eyes. He stared into my grey eyes with what almost looked like disappointment.

"Everything okay?" I asked while taking a step back. Wait. Where is Jaime and the others?

"Yea. Uhmm...its just that you have really warm hands." He chuckled at his response.

"Where is my friends?" I asked while spinning around.

"Probably on their way. I guess we got so caught up in our conversation, we must have left them behind."

So we both sat down on a large, wide log.

"So...why did you and your brother move out here?" I asked with the same curiosity he had before.

"To escape reality." Uhmm....okay.


"Yea. We have been through alot over the years-"


"-we came here because we lost the women we loved, hoping to find some sort of closure."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be." I feel bad now.

This man is telling his story to someone he just met. But the way he looks at me and talks to me is as if we have know each other for years. He gives me this sort of comfort with his words and i cant help but feel safe around him. Weird i know.

"What happened to them? If you don't mid me asking."

"She died in a forest fire by this oak tree. And she burnt beyond recognition."

"Oh my- and you are okay with going back there?"

Wait. He said 'she' not 'they'. Were they in love with the same women?

"Yes. It took time but i accepted it." Accepted?  I would've moved a whole continent away from the place where my lover died.

"You said 'she'. Were you in love with the same women?"

"She was the love of my life. After she died i found out my brother was in love with her. Damn. What a shocker.

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