Chapter 12

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"Hmm..yea. Everything's good." His eyes locked on mine, his lips titling slightly as a smile made its way to his rosy lips. I wonder if their as soft as they look.

" You sure? You seem a bit distracted." His voice is giving of an interrogation tone.

"Yea, will Jackson be home?" I ask changing the topic.

"Yea. Probably." Probably?

" can i ask you something?-"

"Anything Kayla."

"Out of all my friends, how come you decided to talk closely with me?"

"I don't know-" don't know?

"I guess i kinda,clicked with you." He said while clicking his fingers and a soft warming smile.

"Mhmm." I pressed my lips together and returned a closed smile. His eyes narrowed at me as we carried on walking.

We came up to a cabin in the woods. It was a fair size, it wasn't a small cabin. When we walked into the door we entered into a small living room with a TV cabinet and a medium size radio sitting on the stand at the west side of the room. Across the radio sat two double couches.

Jason took my hand and said he wants to shiw me around. Leaving my squad awkwardly waiting in the living room. We walked straight into the kitchen as the living room joined the kitchen, like a open plan sort of thing.

We came out of the kitchen and walked down a small short passage into his bedroom. Why am i blushing as i entered his room? God help me. The bathroom door stood next to his room door. And across the bathroom door was another door. He took my hand and led me into that room. When i entered that room, it was covered in paintings.

Beautiful portraits of a women and a man. There was one painting of the oak tree also. Some of the painting looked like the waterfall at night. A beautiful night sky was painted on one with the waterfall and the women again. I think that's Lisa, but who's the guy?

Anyway we came out from inside the house and Jaime looked like he wanted to carry me the hell out of there. I don't mean to make Jaime upset, but its just that Jason and I just click and our conversations are so easy and calm. Its as if i know thia man for a long time and we are friends thats reuniting.

"Where did the two of you go?" Jaime's voice was deep and raw. He sounded angry and annoyed.

"Oh i was just showing Kayla around." Jason's voice remained calm and he kept his straight posture. Clearly showing off that he is taller than Jaime by a few inches. Jason looked like the slightly taller version of Mike Jordan.

"Why are you only taking her? What about the rest if us?" Laura's voice was soaked in annoyance and disbelief. My three friends stood across the room from where i stood with Jason at my side and spat out nothing but curses as to why i was the only one taken inside for a 'tour'.

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