OC details

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Kaori Tsuki

Name meaning: Kaori - fragrance, Tsuki - Moon

Birthday: 17th March

Clan: Tsuki Clan by blood, Uchiha clan by marriage


Anything to do with nature




playing her violin

cloud watching

her family


her friends


Sasuke (later on).



foods with too much salt

sasuke (at first)


genjutsu (cause she's terrible at it)

Physical appearance:
Waist length, curly, dark brown hair

Small birthmark above the left corner of her mouth

Always has a blue hibiscus in her hair that she uses for appearance and for fighting

Forest green eyes at the beginning, but after the war both eyes had a section of blue in them.

Very short (like 4"11, and yes that is author-chans irl height )

Wears her shinobi headband around her wrist

Wears a necklace with the Tsuki clan crest as a charm, the Uchiha clan crest was later added after they got married.

Large scar running from the bottom of her jawline to collar bones on her right side after the war.

Personality traits:

Very bubbly and friendly (think Naruto but a girl and not screaming DATTEBAYO every 5 seconds)

A little sarcastic at times tho

Kind of an airhead most of the time

Cannot even attempt to flirt for the life of her

Has a lack of confidence at times.

Is good at thinking up strategies but gets influenced by pressure and can't think straight under too much pressure.

Does get annoyed from time to time but it's quite hard to make her very angry. When she does get pissed tho, oh boy y'all better be ready cause all hell's gonna break loose.

Has a problem with swearing, yes she cannot control it.

Fighting style details:

Is a master swordswoman

Excels at ninjustu, very capable in taijustu, sucks at genjutsu.

Has water style chakra, but can use wind and water style simultaneously

Can manipulate plants and flowers to grow/shrink/become turgid/flaccid/become sharp/other things.

The flower in her hair is used when she doesn't have any weapons or to catch enemies off guard.

Can summon large Blue Jay bird called Janai.

Due to being a Tsuki, she can merge her chakra with her summonings chakra, gaining speed and Chakra wings.

Extra details:
Hinata and Kaori are besties, Ino is added to the group later on.

Kaori is one year younger than sasuke and the rest of Konoha 11.

Kaori and Naruto are like chaotic siblings

Once the fourth shinobi war ended, she was given the nickname of "Fearless Jay"

Kaori is a violinist

Only Sasuke calls her Kaori, everyone else calls her Kao, or Kao-chan (except for mom when she's angry, then u should expect "TSUKI KAORI!!!")

Kaori has 3 younger siblings, the youngest two are twins and absolute menaces, always pulling pranks on her. The older one, her brother looked up to Kaori but was killed in the fourth shinobi war.

Her last name "Tsuki" means moon, which is fitting since her clan's crest is a crescent moon


Okay so I think that's it, if I have any more details i forgot to add I'll add them later. And if y'all can't tell, half of this is based off of me, author Chan heh. Except for the fact that my name is Kaori obviously. You can leave recommendations at the authors note in each oneshot!

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