New book?

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Hello everyone! Sorry I've been taking a short break since I'm in my hometown for Pongal (a Hindu festival) and I've just been a little busy.

So i have a question

I was thinking of making another book with a senju as the main character. However I'm not sure if I want an OC or a reader story so I'll let yall decide.

Also u guys have to help me decide if this should be a Senjuxsasuke story or senjuxitachi story. I love both of them so damn much but I'm not too sure which one will you guys prefer.

So vote(just comment yes and I'll look at the number of comments)



Itachi x Senju!character

Sasuke x Senju!character

Thank you all for reading and if u have any suggestions pls recommend them here. Also please vote if you like any of the oneshots.

Sasuke X OC OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now