The Pregnancy Chronicles

44 1 0

WC: 7.8k words

Warnings: Kisses, very very minor sexual implications, very fluffy, mentions of childbirth and pregnancy obviously, remind me if I forgot anything.

Summary: A series of stories about KaoSuke's first pregnancy.

This oneshot is in celebration of getting this story to 1.4k reads and over 90 votes, you guys are actually incredible!

A/N : Hello everyone its DollarStoreYuji, and I know yall might be confused so let me just explain. After I uploaded my authors note of why I cant upload any new chapter this month, I felt so bad for doing that to you guys, especially since this story got to 90 votes, so I wanted to surprise you all with a chapter about Kaori's pregnancy with Hikaru.

Then instead of clicking the save button, my dumbass accidently clicked the publish button, so the surprise was kinda ruined, but oh well what can you do. Also just want to remind people that I do take requests. Anyways without further delay, I hope everyone enjoys this!

(the fact that this was meant to be a drabble lol)


1. Getting to know

Kaori's POV:

Out of the corner of my eyes, I could just barely make out Sasuke's foot flying up and almost striking my head, but I quickly brought up my arm to block him from making contact.

I smiled in victory at the scowl present on Sasuke's face as I twisted to the side, just in time as one of Sasuke's fists attempted to punch my head.

If anyone is confused, basically every few days whenever we dont have a mission, Sasuke and I like to train with various methods. Last time we trained together in kenjutsu, before that it was ninjutsu, and today is taijutsu.

It was supposed to be purely training to refine our skills and learn off of each other, however more often than not, it turned into something else.

Namely our little rivalry from our academy days and genin days, which I always thought was mostly diminished, started sprouting up again in these training sessions without us even realising it.

I really don't think either of us meant to get competitive again, but it's sort of hard to control when sparring and trying to win.

Which leads us to where I am now.

Using my height to my advantage, I duck underneath Sasuke's extended arm and slid behind him. He realised what I was attempting and jumped back before I could.

Now we were both facing one another and got into a fighting stance once again.

"Looks like you've gotten a bit rusty duckbutt!", I hollered.

He scoffed and sent me the infamous Uchiha glare before biting back.

"Don't get too pleased with yourself shorty."

I glared back at him and moved to fight him. However, when I took a single step, my vision grew blurry and I felt something pounding in my head.

My breath grew heavy and my stance faltered as I my surroundings grew darker and darker.

What was going on? Was someone attacking?

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