Sasuke Shinden : Part 2

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WC: 6.9k words

Warnings: gore, blood, kisses, profanity, other stuff I can't remember.

Summary: Sasuke and Kao are once again traveling after a very brief stay in Konoha after their wedding. Then they get a message from Konoha that exploding humans have been spotted.


After Sasuke has written the message to Kakashi, asking for approval to investigate the exploding humans alone, he attached it to the leg of one of his hawks.

Kaori and sasuke watched on as the hawk spread its wings and fly off, the scene holding serenity.

Sasuke sighed and turned back to face Kaori, who was still enthralled by the bird gently flapping its wings.

"Well we should probably rest for the night and investigate in the morning, is that okay with you?"

Kaori's blinked up at him as if she was in a day before nodding with a small smile.

"Hai, should we go back to the forest and camp there?"

Sasuke thought for a moment and was about to give an answer, before being cut off by one of the villagers.

"You both saved us all, the least we could do is offer you shelter before you guys leave."

Kaori and Sasuke looked at each other and communicated with their eyes, as if they could hear each other's thoughts. Though it was clear to both of them that they were in agreement.

Accept their offer, but be on guard.

They both thanked the villagers who led them to a small hut in the outskirts of the village. The bedroom contained a small futon just big enough for two people, but Sasuke was sure it would fit them since Kaori was so small.

Once he showed them around the place, ths villager gave them privacy and left the hut. Both Sasuke and Kaori took off their cloaks which hid the Uchiha symbol on the back of both of their clothes.

They both got ready for bed and Sasuke slipped into the futon first, reading one of Kaori's books as he waited for her to come out of the bathroom.

He heard the door squeak and looked up from the pages to see Kaori exit the bathroom with a sleepy look on her face. She wore one of his t shirts and some sweatpants as her night clothes.

She also had tied her very long hair into a massive bun which rested on top of her head, looking quite ridiculous. But that wasn't the only thing that caught his attention.

Sasuke felt his lips curl into a smirk at her appearance as she vigorously rubbed her tired eyes.

She must've noticed his smug face since she looked at him with a glare.

"What the fuck are you smirking at?"

This only caused him to look even more smug.

"Nothing, just those lovely marks on your neck leading down to your b-"

Kaori cut him off before he could go further by throwing her entire bag right at his face.

He pushed it off of his face and looked at her with a glare of his own.

"Gah alright alright, can you stop being annoying and just lay down with me. Why do you become so violent when you're sleepy?"

She grumbled something abt sasuke being a prick, but completely contradicted herself by lieing on the futon and wrapping her arms around him.

Ori simply lied down in Kaori's bag where she had been residing in for most of the battle, using it as a makeshift cat bed.

Sasuke turned his entire body so he was now directly facing Kaori and cupped her face in his hands.

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