The Uchiha kids profiles

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Hikaru Uchiha:

Name meaning: Radiance

Age in Boruto era: 15

Birthday: 24th July

Physical attributes:

Raven black hair

Bright green eyes


Small birthmark on the corner of his mouth.


Over confident
• Cocky
• A bit self-centred
• Flirtatious
• Hides and bottle's up his true emotions
• Quite an airhead
• Cares about the people he loves, to the point where it can become his destruction.
• Popular with people his age
• A prodigy
• He is a morning person


• Plants and nature
• His popularity
• His strength
• Being a carefree dummy with his mother
• His family
• Training
• Irritating his father


• Seeing his loved ones hurt
• Spicy food
• Orochimaru
• Frogs
• Losing in a fight

Chakra Natures:

• Wind
• Water

Additional strengths:

• Inherited the Leaf Style Kekkei Genkai of the Tsuki clan.
• Has the Sharingan.
• Sensory type
• Uses hawks as summonings


• Drawing (he's an artist)
• Training

Kya Uchiha:

Name meaning: Diamond in the sky

Age in Boruto era: 12

Birthday: 12th December

Physical attributes:

Raven black hair

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