A field of flowers : part 1 (Royal AU)

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WC: 9k words

Warnings: Royal AU, fluff, angst ig?, Like a few profanities here and there, i can't think of anything else.

Summary: Set in ancient times, the youngest prince of the Royal Family is being pressured to marry a beautiful princess, much to his annoyance. But what happens when an unlikely romance blossoms between a prince and a commoner?


Sasuke's POV:

"Oh the moon is quite beautiful tonight, wouldn't you say prince Sasuke?"

I looked up at Princess Aki with a bored expression on my face. God these "dates" with princess' from foreign lands were getting really annoying.


She let out a haughty giggle which i swear made my ears bleed.

"Not much of a talker are you? That's okay, i can make up for it", she said in a sly tone.

Oh please, the last thing I wanted was to hear her shrill voice again.

"No I don't think so. Besides your face is distracting me so much i cant focus on what you're saying at all."

Princess Aki looked genuinely surprised before a blush formed on her face and she looked down bashfully.

"Do you think I'm that pretty?," She asked.

Why were these women so stupid?

"No, i cant focus on anything because your face is so horrendous," i replied in my usual monotonous voice.

Princess Aki's jaw dropped before tears began flowing down her cheeks. She started sobbing uncontrollably while I just stared at her dramatics.

Princess Aki looked at me through her fingers in a pleading manner, to which i merely rolled my eyes.

She sobbed even louder and ran out of the garden, most likely to the dinning room where her parents and his parents were having dinner.

I sat down on the edge of the water fountain and sighed in exasperation. Would my parents never give up?

It was obvious that no matter what type of princess they threw my way I wouldn't be interested, so why were they so persistent?

Did I feel bad about being so rude to all the girls? No, of course not, why should I?

I have standards, and it's within my rights to reject any girl.

Besides, all the princess' that I had seen so far were the same. They were plain, boring, after my wealth and kingdoms prosperity, and they were all caked in foundation and lipgloss. It was quite honestly disgusting.

I was not going to spend my life with an annoying princess who would be under layers of makeup and squealing every 10 seconds.

Hell if i could, i wouldn't even get married. But I knew that was impossible, after all I was a prince, and getting married and securing an alliance would be great for the land of fire.

Even so, I'm not going to marry someone just for the sake of a dumb alliance.

A few minutes later, i could hear shouts and voices from the dinning room, followed by the loud slam of the palace doors.

It didn't take a genius to figure out what must've happened.

The sound of footsteps grew louder and louder as someone headed my way. I silently prayed that it wasn't Itachi who would start spewing shit about finding the right person, or even worse my father who I knew was furious.

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