Kaosuke Family info

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I just realised a lot of things aren't rlly clear about what happened to Kaori and sasuke after the series ends and the details abt their family so I'll break it down.

Before Boruto:

Sasuke and Kaori travel around the world for 2 years together.

After two years they return to Konoha to get married, at this time Sasuke is 19, Kaori is 18. This is before the sasuke shinden arc.

They remain in Konoha for about a month after the wedding before travelling again, they do a few missions here and there.

Then the Sasuke Shinden arc takes place. (I'll write about that once I get to that part in the anime)

While they are travelling Kaori becomes pregnant and gives birth to their son Hikaru in Orochimaru's hideout with Karin's help. They return to the village shortly after. Sasuke was 20 and Kaori was 19 when she got pregnant.

After 3 years of living in Konoha and doing missions and whatnot, Kaori becomes pregnant again (they can't keep their hands off each other lmao). She gives birth to their daughter Kya (pronounced Kaya). Sasuke was 25 at the time, Kaori was 24 and Hikaru was 3 years old.

3 years later Kaori becomes pregnant again (fucking Uchiha breeding kink strikes again) and gives birth to their son Tatsu.

A year after Tatsu's birth, Sasuke leaves Konoha on his mission to search for information on the Otsutsuki. When he leaves Kya was 4 years old, Hikaru was 6 years old, Tatsu was 1 year old. Sasuke was 29 and Kaori was 28.

3 years after Sasuke leaves, Hikaru who is 9, completes the academy and joins his father on his mission.

In total sasuke left for 8 years. Once he returns to Konoha, Kya is 12 years old, Tatsu is 9 years old.


During Boruto:

Well during Boruto the series, Kya is in Boruto's class and his Genin team. They eventually end up together hehe.

Hikaru does spend most of his time with Sasuke on the mission, but does occasionally visit Konoha and Kaori once in a while.

Tatsu is a classmate of Himawari and they're both besties obviously.

After Sasuke returns back to Konoha, and after the whole incident with Shin Uchiha, (basically Kaori goes after Kya who sneaks away to meet sasuke, Kaori and sasuke reunite and they fight shin Uchiha together yada yada yada)

Kaori gets pregnant AGAIN (istg they rlly need to use condoms) and 9 months later gives birth to their daughter Karina. (I promise this is their final child lmao) Sasuke was 34, Kaori was 33.

They're both so damn happy though, they're family is complete 😁.

Besides sasuke did say he wanted to restore the Uchiha clan sooo....

Oh and throughout all of this our favourite big fluffy brown cat, Ori has been living with the Uchiha's. Lazy furball.


Okay so I hope that gave a little insight on their family after the end of Shippuden. Y'all have no idea how long I tried to calculate the years sasuke left to make all the kids and parents ages and stuff align 😩.

Ill be doing character profiles for all the kids very shortly.

I hope y'all enjoyed this heh.

Ooo I've posted a new story called anime boys x reader oneshots, I've also included a list of bois that i write for. So if y'all have any suggestions or recommendations let me know here or there.


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