Good morning

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CW : pretty steamy, makeout sessions, morning after.

WC : 1.1k words

The light flooding into the room due to the open curtains woke Sasuke up from his deep sleep. He was slightly cranky at being woken up so early in the morning especially on a weekend. He soon realised he wasn't wearing any clothes and felt alert before remembering the previous night.

He felt a warm presence hugging his chest and looked down to find a sleeping Kaori pressed up against his chest, her hair spread behind her as she was still in deep sleep. The blanket they shared was pulled up just enough to cover Kaori's bare body while still making it apparent that she too wasn't wearing anything.

Sasuke let out a small sigh and brought his arm up to gently stroke his wife's brown hair as he recalled their antics last night, which was captured in his memory perfectly thanks to the sharingan. He vividly remembered her fast breathing, her whimpers and moans, how she whispered his name, and of course, the amount of love both of them felt.

Sasuke allowed a small smile to grace his features as Kaori began to stir slightly, waking up. He placed a gentle kiss against her forehead as she opened her eyes. "Good morning sasuke", she said, nuzzling into his chest further. "Good morning Kaori", said sasuke, closing his eyes in content as he felt Kaori litter small kisses on his neck. "Hn", he muttered, earning a small giggle from Kaori. "Do you ever say anything else?", She asked teasingly, to which he replied with another "hn".

Out of the blue, Kaori winced slightly as she got up, covering herself with the blanket. Sasuke looked at her concerned. Whats wrong? Are you okay?", He inquired. "Im fine, just a little sore", replied Kaori with a sheepish look on her face. Sasuke smirked at her, his worry disappearing, replaced with satisfaction. "Well that's probably because i fucked you hard last-", he was cut off abruptly by Kaori placing her hand over his mouth in an effort to shut him up, she felt her face burning. "SHUSH! Whats wrong with you!", She yelled at him. He just chuckled lightly before getting up and heading off to the bathroom, leaving Kaori a flustered mess.

Once sasuke brushed his teeth and washed his face, he made his way downstairs to the kitchen where he started to make some coffee for the both of them as he waited for Kaori to come. His sharp senses picked up the soft footsteps of Kaori walking down the stairs and entering the kitchen. He felt her small hands wrap around his waist as she hugged him from behind.

She remained there for the entire time that Sasuke was making coffee for the e both of them, only pulling away when Sasuke turned around and handed her a cup of coffee.

"Thank you"


Kaori just playfully rolled her eyes and began drinking her coffee, savoring the warm taste as it lingered in her mouth even after she had finished her entire cup. Sasuke and Kaori were both leaning on the edge of the counter. Once they were both finished sasuke took the cup from his wife and placed it by the sink, only after he turned around did he fully comprehend what she was wearing.

It was his shirt

A plain black shirt seemed boring to most, but when Kaori wore it, it always made Sasuke's breath hitch.

The shirt was very big on her small frame, going past her knees, and she wasn't wearing any pants either. From the way the shirt hugged her torso, it was clear she wasn't wearing a bra either.

Kaori gave slight yawn and streched her arms above her head in an effort to remove the knotts in her muscles, not spotting her husbands eyes moving down her body as his shirt lifted up slightly, exposing her thighs to him.

Oh he was going to have some fun with her today.

"So what are we going to do today?", Asked Kaori, not realising in the slightest the effects of her actions on the man in front of her.

"Well we both don't have any missions today, so we can take this time to just relax at home"

Kaori nodded in agreement and leaned further against the counter, closing her eyes. This was his chance!

Slyly, Sasuke snaked his arm around her waist and gripped tightly in preparation.


In a single move, he swiftly lifted her up and placed her on the counter, and stood in between her legs, his hand still around her waist.

Even on the countertop, she still wasn't at eye level to him.

Seeing her flustered look at his actions made him smirk and look into her doe eyes, seeing them looking up at him in anticipation.

"Sasuke-MMPH", She was cut off abruptly by his lips as he placed them into hers, not gently, but not overly rough either.

After a few seconds she relaxed into the kiss and placed on hand on his chest while the other held his neck.

He slowly began moving his lips against hers, wanting to savour this moment, though he did want a little more.

Sasuke ran his tounge over her lips, signalling at what he wanted, to which Kaori bravely (or stupidly) denied.

Wrong move Kaori

The hand that rested on her hips, suddenly moved up and started groping her breasts, catching Kaori off guard, all while still kissing.

She gasped slightly and sasuke took the opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth, both fought for dominance, but in the end sasuke won, he always won.

His tongue explored all the places of her mouth, leaving them both breathless and in desperate need of air. Finally they pulled apart for oxygen.

They were both panting, though Kaori was panting much heavier than sasuke, something he took pride in.

"Not that I'm complaining, but what was that about?" She asked breathlessly.

"You looked too irresistible when you came down with only my shirt and underwear on, what did u expect me to do?" He asked teasingly.

Kaori just pouted and leaned her forehead on his shoulder while he chuckled lightly. She's too cute.

"Alright come on let's go upstairs to the bedroom", said sasuke.

"The bedroom? Why?"

He whispered into her ear.

"You really think you can show up looking that sexy and beautiful and not expect me to fuck you?"

Oh boy she was in for a long day.


Alright that was a pretty spicy chapter. Hehe. Tell me how it was that's my first time writing something so steamy. Let me know if y'all want a part 2 or another smut scenario or smth
Anyways you can leave requests here. Byeeee

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