How do you really feel about her?

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WC: 7.4k words

Warnings: uhh I'm not too sure, this chapter is mainly flashbacks so have fun y'all, i guess some angst is there, also some lovely fluff, and beware people there's a slap in this chap heh. Also Sasuke is dumb.

Summary: During their fight in the final valley, Naruto asks Sasuke a question which makes him reflect on all of his interactions with a certain brown haired girl. After coming to a firm conclusion he decides to stop running away, and face her head on, but how is she going to take it?


Third person POV:



The fourth great ninja war was over. Team 7 had successfully defeated and sealed Kaguya Otsutsuki.  However, none of them were prepared in the slightest for Sasuke to quickly turn the tables after announcing his plan.

A plan to kill the current Kage's and restore order to the world in his own way.

Everyone pleaded with the Uchiha. Naruto told him that was ridiculous, Sakura began crying, and Kakashi looked utterly defeated.

Kaori on the other hand, simply couldn't accept it.

How dare he! How dare he waltz into the battlefield, getting everyone's hopes up, only to diminish it in a split second with a few words. Kaori became more and more angry with each passing second, as she saw her dearest friends beg the boy she had once loved, and twice tried to kill, to come back home.

A single tear dripped down her cheek as she unsheathed her sword and began running up to Sasuke.

He must've sensed her presence since he swiveled around and blocked her attack with his own sword just in the nick of time.

Everyone surrounding them began screaming and yelling at Kaori to stop. She faintly heard Naruto call out, asking her if she was crazy, but she paid no heed to them, only focusing on the battle before her.

By the way she moved and how precise her strikes were, Sasuke knew that Kaori wasn't simply trying to get him to stop. No, she was aiming to kill.

It was clear as day that while Sasuke was worlds apart in jutsus and stamina, Kaori clearly had the upper hand in a swordfight.

Every one of her attacks were perfectly calculated and ruthless. If this was any other opponent, Sasuke would've easily won by now by simply conjuring up his Susano'o , or using chidori, but she wasn't even giving him a chance to use any of his jutsus!

The clashing and changing of their swords echoed louder than the others cries and shouts. Sasuke grit his teeth in fustration as the attacks kept on coming and coming. Kaori was doing an excellent job in avoiding his eyes up until now.

But the war and the battle against Kaguya had drained her of energy and she stumbled a little, causing both of their swords to clash and come to halt.

She looked up at Sasuke, and her eyes widened a little once she realised her mistake.

Sasuke looked straight into her once bright green eyes, which now had hints of blue mixed into it. They were tired and sad. Sasuke activated his sharingan, instinctively about to put her into a strong genjutsu which certainly would've meant death.

But then, he faltered. A voice in the back of his head, was telling him that Kaori shouldn't die. That he didn't want her to die.

Visions flooded into his mind. Visions of their time together in Team 7. Their first ever meeting where they hated each other, and loved getting a reaction out of each other. And finally, of the last time they saw each other just before Sasuke left Konoha's gates.

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